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MT 671 Format Specifications

MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction Update Notification
Status Tag Qualifier Generic Field Name Detailed Field Name Content/Options No.
Mandatory Sequence A General Information
M 16R     Start of Block GENL See specification 1
M 20C SEME Reference Sender's Message Reference :4!c//16x See specification 2
M 23G     Function of the Message 4!c[/4!c] See specification 3
-----> Optional Repetitive Subsequence A1 Linkages
M 16R     Start of Block LINK See specification 4
M 20C 4!c Reference (see qualifier description) :4!c//16x See specification 5
M 16S     End of Block LINK See specification 6
-----| End of Subsequence A1 Linkages
M 95a 4!c Party (see qualifier description) P or Q See specification 7
M 22F UDTP Indicator SSI Update Type :4!c/[8c]/4!c See specification 8
O 97A SAFE Account Safekeeping Account :4!c//35x See specification 9
M 16S     End of Block GENL See specification 10
End of Sequence A General Information
-----> Mandatory Repetitive Sequence B Standing Settlement Instruction Details
M 16R     Start of Block SSIDET See specification 11
M 22H SSIP Indicator SSI Purpose :4!c//4!c See specification 12
O 20C SSIR Reference SSI Reference :4!c//16x See specification 13
M 11A SETT Currency SSI Currency :4!c//3!a See specification 14
M 98A EFFD Date Effective Date :4!c//8!n See specification 15
M 22F 4!c Indicator (see qualifier description) :4!c/[8c]/4!c See specification 16
-----> Mandatory Repetitive Subsequence B1 Cash Parties
M 16R     Start of Block CSHPRTY See specification 17
M 95a 4!c Party (see qualifier description) P, Q, R, or S See specification 18
O 97A CASH Account Cash Account :4!c//35x See specification 19
M 16S     End of Block CSHPRTY See specification 20
-----| End of Subsequence B1 Cash Parties
Optional Subsequence B2 Other Details
M 16R     Start of Block OTHRDET See specification 21
O 70E ADTX Narrative Additional Text Narrative :4!c//10*35x See specification 22
O 22F PMTH Indicator Payment Method Indicator :4!c/[8c]/4!c See specification 23
M 16S     End of Block OTHRDET See specification 24
End of Subsequence B2 Other Details
M 16S     End of Block SSIDET See specification 25
-----| End of Sequence B Standing Settlement Instruction Details
Optional Sequence C Other Details
M 16R     Start of Block OTHRDET See specification 26
O 70E ADTX Narrative Additional Text Narrative :4!c//10*35x See specification 27
O 22F PMTH Indicator Payment Method Indicator :4!c/[8c]/4!c See specification 28
M 16S     End of Block OTHRDET See specification 29
End of Sequence C Other Details
M = Mandatory, O = Optional