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MT 671 Field Specifications

5. Field 20C: Reference


Option C :4!c//16x (Qualifier)(Reference)


Mandatory in optional subsequence A1


(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 M RELA N   C Related Message Reference
  or PREV N   C Previous Message Reference


This qualified generic field specifies:

PREV Previous Message Reference Message reference of a previously sent SSI update notification.
RELA Related Message Reference Message reference of the linked message which was previously received.


If the original message was not an MT 670 but some other communication, field 20C PREV may contain the reference of this communication.

When 20C RELA is used, for example, because the SSI Update Notification is sent in response to a request for the SSI, field 20C RELA may contain the reference of the request.