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MT 671 Field Specifications

18. Field 95a: Party


Option P :4!c//4!a2!a2!c[3!c] (Qualifier)(Identifier Code)
Option Q :4!c//4*35x (Qualifier)(Name and Address)
Option R :4!c/8c/34x (Qualifier)(Data Source Scheme)(Proprietary Code)
Option S :4!c/[8c]/4!c/2!a/30x (Qualifier)(Data Source Scheme)(Type of ID)(Country Code)(Alternate ID)


Mandatory in mandatory subsequence B1


(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 M ACCW R   P, Q, or R Account With Institution
  or BENM R   P, Q, or R Beneficiary
  or INT1 R   P, Q, or R Intermediary
  or INT2 R   P, Q, or R Second Intermediary
2 O ALTE R   S Alternate ID


This qualified generic field specifies:

ACCW Account With Institution Financial institution that services the cash account of the beneficiary. Also known as receiving agent. Party where the payment amount must be ultimately delivered on behalf of the beneficiary, that is, the party where the beneficiary has its account.
ALTE Alternate ID Alternate identification of the party.
BENM Beneficiary Party to which the payment amount must be ultimately delivered. In some cases, this may be a Fund.
INT1 Intermediary Intermediary party.
INT2 Second Intermediary Second intermediary.

In option P, Identifier Code specifies a BIC. For more details, see the Standards MT General Information.

In option R, Data Source Scheme represents a clearing system. Proprietary Code specifies a local national code identifying the party at that clearing system.

In option S:


In option S, if Data Source Scheme is not present, Type of ID must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K95):

ARNU Alien Registration Number Number assigned by a government agency to identify foreign nationals.
CCPT Passport Number Number assigned by a passport authority.
CHTY Tax Exempt Identification Number Number assigned to a tax exempt entity.
CORP Corporate Identification Number assigned to a corporate entity.
DRLC Driver's Licence Number Number assigned to a driver's licence.
EMPL Employee Identification Number Number assigned to a specific employee for employee trade reporting.
FIIN Foreign Investment Identity Number Number assigned to a foreign investor (other than the alien number).
TXID Tax Identification Number Number assigned by a tax authority to an entity.


In option R, Data Source Scheme specifies a code representing a clearing system:

Code name Code description Format Proprietary Code
AT Austrian Bankleitzahl 5!n
AU Australian Bank State Branch (BSB) Code 6!n
BL German Bankleitzahl 8!n
CC Canadian Payments Association Payment Routing Number 9!n
CH CHIPS Universal Identifier 6!n
CN China National Advanced Payment System (CNAPS) Code 12..14n
CP CHIPS Participant Identifier 4!n
ES Spanish Domestic Interbanking Code 8..9n
FW Fedwire Routing Number 9!n
GR HEBIC (Hellenic Bank Identification Code) 7!n
HK Bank Code of Hong Kong 3!n
IE Irish National Clearing Code (NSC) 6!n
IN Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) 11!c
IT Italian Domestic Identification Code 10!n
PL Polish National Clearing Code (KNR) 8!n
PT Portuguese National Clearing Code 8!n
RU Russian Central Bank Identification Code 9!n
SC UK Domestic Sort Code 6!n
SW Swiss Clearing Code (BC code) 3..5n
SW Swiss Clearing Code (SIC code) 6!n

If a clearing code is specified using 95R, this is the clearing code of the party identified in 95P or 95Q within the same cash parties (CSHPRTY) subsequence.

95a INT2 may not be used unless its use has been previously bilaterally agreed.