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MT 671 Field Specifications

16. Field 22F: Indicator


Option F :4!c/[8c]/4!c (Qualifier)(Data Source Scheme)(Indicator)


Mandatory in mandatory sequence B


(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 O EFFD R   F Effective Date Indicator
2 M MARK R   F Market Area Indicator


This qualified generic field specifies:

EFFD Effective Date Indicator Specifies how the SSI update is to be applied.
MARK Market Area Indicator Specifies the market to which the SSI relates.


If Qualifier is EFFD and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

FUTU Future SSI update is to be applied to future trades.
OUTS Outstanding Trade SSI update is effective for all trades settling on and after effective date irrespective of trade date.
RCON Reconfirmation SSI update is effective for all trades settling on and after effective date irrespective of trade date and they need to be reconfirmed.
SETT Settlement Date SSI update is effective on the settlement date.
TRAD Trade Date SSI update is effective for all trades booked on and after effective date.


If Qualifier is MARK and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

ANYY Any Any market area.
CASH Cash Bank to bank cash movements.
COLL Collections Collections.
COMM Commodities Precious metals and other commodities such as palm oil.
COPA Commercial Payments Payment in which one of the parties is not a financial institution.
DERI Derivatives Futures contracts, options, forward contracts, swaps, etc.
DOCC Documentary Credits Documentary credits.
FOEX Foreign Exchange Foreign Exchange.
GUAR Guarantees Guarantees.
LETT Letters of Credit Letters of credit.
LOAN Loans Loans and deposits.
MMKT Money Markets Loans and deposits.
NDLF Non Deliverable Forward FX forward trade for which only balance is settled.
OPTI Options FX Options, swapoptions, etc.
SECU Securities Bonds, equities, futures.
TFIN Trade Finance Documentary credits, collections, guarantees, letters of credit.
TREA Treasury Cash management activities.