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MT 671 Field Specifications

7. Field 95a: Party


Option P :4!c//4!a2!a2!c[3!c] (Qualifier)(Identifier Code)
Option Q :4!c//4*35x (Qualifier)(Name and Address)


Mandatory in mandatory sequence A


(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 M SUBM N   P Submitting Party
2 O CONT R   Q Contact Person
3 O TRAD R   P or Q Trade Party


This qualified generic field specifies:

CONT Contact Person Person at the institution that sends the SSI update notification to be contacted if there should be problems with the SSI.
SUBM Submitting Party Party that is the Sender of the SSI update notification. In many situations this party is also the beneficiary.
TRAD Trade Party Trade party, when different from the party identified as the submitting party and the beneficiary. In some cases, this may be the fund manager.

In option P, Identifier Code specifies a BIC. For more details see the Standards MT General Information.


95Q CONT Contact Person - as well as identifying the contact person, this field may also contain information such as a telephone number or e-mail address.