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MT 671 Field Specifications

19. Field 97A: Account: Cash Account


Option A :4!c//35x (Qualifier)(Account Number)


Optional in mandatory subsequence B1


(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 O CASH N   A Cash Account


This qualified generic field specifies:

CASH Cash Account Account in which cash is maintained.


The account provided is the account of the party specified within the same subsequence B1 Cash Parties.

The cash account specified within the same subsequence B1 Cash Parties as :95a::BENM Beneficiary is an account owned by the party specified in :95a::BENM Beneficiary. The account is serviced by the party specified in the subsequence B1 Cash Parties with :95a::ACCW Account With Institution or the SSI recipient (Receiver of the MT 671).

The cash account specified within the same subsequence B1 Cash Parties as :95a::ACCW Account With Institution is an account owned by the party specified in :95a::ACCW Account With Institution. The account is serviced by the party specified in the subsequence B1 Cash Parties with :95a::INT1 Intermediary or the SSI recipient (Receiver of the MT 671).

The cash account specified within the same subsequence B1 Cash Parties as :95a::INT1 Intermediary is an account owned by the party specified in :95a::INT1 Intermediary. The account is serviced by the party specified in the subsequence B1 Cash Parties with :95a::INT2 Second Intermediary or the SSI recipient (Receiver of the MT 671).