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MT 204 Examples

Example 1: The Exchange and the Member have a Common Correspondent Bank


The Chicago Mercantile sends an MT 204 to Northern Trust with the instruction to debit the account of Merrill Lynch and to credit its account 1234-ABC, with value date 21 September 2009.

Information Flow


SWIFT Message, MT 204

Explanation Format
Message type 204
Receiver CNORUS44
Message text
Message reference number :20:XCME REF1
Sum of amounts :19:50000,
Value date :30:090921
Beneficiary institution :58A:/1234-ABC
Transaction reference number :20:XCME REF2
Related reference :21:MANDATEREF1
Transaction amount :32B:USD50000,
Debit institution :53A:MLNYUS33
End of message text/trailer

The common correspondent bank sends confirmations of credit and debit to the exchange (MT 910) and exchange member (MT 900) as shown below:

SWIFT Message, MT 910, Confirmation of Credit

Explanation Format
Sender CNORUS44
Message type 910
Receiver XCMEUS4C
Message text
Transaction reference number :20:MB REF A
Related reference :21:XCME REF1
Account identification :25:ACCOUNT ID OF XCME
Value date/currency code/amount :32A:090921USD50000,
Ordering institution :52A:XCMEUS4C
End of message text/trailer

SWIFT Message, MT 900, Confirmation of Debit

Explanation Format
Sender CNORUS44
Message type 900
Receiver MLNYUS33
Message text
Transaction reference number :20:MB REF B
Related reference :21:MANDATEREF1
Account identification :25:ACCOUNT ID OF MLNY
Value date/currency code/amount :32A:090921USD50000,
Ordering institution :52A:XCMEUS4C
End of message text/trailer

Example 2: The Exchange does not want to use the account relationship with the common correspondent and wants the funds to be transferred to another institution


The Chicago Mercantile Exchange asks its member Merrill Lynch International Bank, New York to put up a margin of 50,000 USD.

The Northern Trust Company is the settlement bank of Merrill Lynch at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

The Chicago Mercantile sends an MT 204 to Northern Trust with the instruction to debit the account of Merrill Lynch and to credit its account serviced by First National Bank of Chicago in Chicago with a value date 21 September 2009.

Information Flow


SWIFT Message, MT 204

Explanation Format
Message type 204
Receiver CNORUS44
Message text
Transaction reference number :20:XCME REF1
Sum of amounts :19:50000,
Value date :30:090921
Account with institution :57A:FNBCUS44
Message reference number :20:XCME REF2
Related reference :21:MANDATEREF1
Transaction amount :32B:USD50000,
Debit institution :53A:MLNYUS33
End of message text/trailer