MT 565 Field Specifications

43. Field 90a: Price


Option A :4!c//4!c/15d (Qualifier) (Percentage Type Code) (Price)
Option B :4!c//4!c/3!a15d (Qualifier) (Amount Type Code) (Currency Code) (Price)




(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 O INDC N   A, B Indicative Price
  or MRKT N   A, B Market Price
2 O EXER N   A, B Exercise Price
3 O ISSU N   A, B Issue Price
4 O OFFR N   A, B Generic Cash Price Received per Product
5 O PRPP N   A, B Generic Cash Price Paid per Product
6 O REIN N   A, B Reinvestment Price
7 O REDM N   A, B Redemption Price
8 O SUPR N   A, B Subscription Price


This qualified generic field specifies:

EXPR Exercise Price
  1. Price at which security will be purchased/sold if warrant is exercised, represented either as an actual amount (option B) or a percentage (option A).

  2. Price at which a bond is converted to underlying security represented either as an actual amount (option B) or a percentage (option A).

INDC Indicative Price Estimated indicative price of the securities, represented either as an actual amount (option B) or a percentage (option A).
ISSU Issue Price Initial issue price of securities (not for shares resulting from rights issue -see subscription price), represented either as an actual amount (option B) or a percentage (option A).
MRKT Market Price Last reported/known price of a financial instrument in a market.
MRKT Market Price Current market price of securities, represented either as an actual amount (option B) or a percentage (option A).
OFFR Generic Cash Price Received per Product Generic cash Cash price received per underlying product by the underlying security holder either as a percentage or an amount, eg, redemption price.
PRPP Generic Cash Price Paid per Product Generic cash Cash price paid per underlying product by the underlying security holder either as a percentage or an amount, eg, reinvestment price.
REDM Redemption Price Price at which a security will be redeemed, represented either as an actual amount (option B) or a percentage (option A).
REIN Reinvestment Price Price at which a cash disbursement will be reinvested into securities, represented either as an actual amount (option B) or a percentage (option A).
SUPR Subscription Price Price at which new securities will be subscribed, eg, rights issue, represented either as an actual amount (option B) or a percentage (option A).


Percentage Type Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K90):

DISC Discount Price expressed as the number of percentage points below par, eg, a discount price of 2.0% equals a price of 98 when par is 100.
PRCT Percentage Price expressed as a percentage of par.
PREM Premium Price expressed as a the number of percentage points above par, eg, a premium price of 2.0% equals a price of 102 when par is 100.
YIEL Yield Price expressed as a yield.


Amount Type Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K90):

ACTU Actual Amount Price expressed as an amount of currency per unit or per share.
DISC Discount Price expressed as a discount amount.
PLOT Lot Price expressed as an amount of money per lot.
PREM Premium Price expressed as a premium.


The integer part of Price must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).

Currency Code must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).


The number of decimal digits in Price is not validated against the currency specified.

Generic Cash Price Received per Product (OFFR) and Generic Cash Price Paid per Product (PRPP) are prices received or paid in the course of an event. The specific meaning (redemption price, subscription price, reinvestment price, ETC.) is derived from the event type.