MT 565 Field Specifications

42. Field 92a: Rate


Option A :4!c//[N]15d (Qualifier) (Sign) (Rate)
Option F :4!c//3!a15d (Qualifier) (Currency Code) (Amount)




(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 O OFFR N   A Proposed Rate
2 O OSUB N   A, F Over-subscription Rate
3 O TAXB N   A Requested Taxation Rate


This qualified generic field specifies:

OFFR Proposed Rate Rate proposed in a remarketing of variable rate notes.
OSUB Over-subscription Rate Rate of allowed over-subscription.
TAXB Requested Taxation Rate Requested tax rate in case of breakdown of tax rate. (E.g. used for adjustment of tax rate. This is the new requested applicable rate).


The integer part of Rate must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).

The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).

When Sign is present, Rate must not be zero (Error code(s): T14).

Currency Code must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).


Sign must be present when Rate is negative.

Except if notified differently in the rate definition, when used with format option A (:4!c//[N]15d), the rate should be expressed as a percentage, not as a decimal fraction (12% should be identified by 12, and not 0,12).