Option B | 4!c | (Financial Centre) |
Mandatory in mandatory subsequence B2
This field specifies the financial centres (Business Days as per ISDA definitions) used to adjust the dates.
One of the following codes may be used:
ARBA | Buenos Aires |
ATVI | Vienna |
AUME | Melbourne |
AUSY | Sydney |
BEBR | Brussels |
BRSP | São Paulo |
CAMO | Montreal |
CATO | Toronto |
CHGE | Geneva |
CHZU | Zurich |
CLSA | Santiago |
CNBE | Beijing |
CZPR | Prague |
DECB | European Central Bank |
DEFR | Frankfurt |
DKCO | Copenhagen |
EETA | Tallinn |
ESMA | Madrid |
EUTA | Target |
FIHE | Helsinki |
FRPA | Paris |
GBLO | London |
GRAT | Athens |
HKHK | Hong Kong |
HUBU | Budapest |
IDJA | Jakarta |
IEDU | Dublin |
ILTA | Tel Aviv |
INMU | Mumbai |
ITMI | Milan |
ITRO | Rome |
JPTO | Tokyo |
KRSE | Seoul |
LBBE | Beirut |
LKCO | Colombo |
LULU | Luxembourg |
MXMC | Mexico City |
MYKL | Kuala Lumpur |
NLAM | Amsterdam |
NOOS | Oslo |
NYFD | New York Fed |
NYSE | New York Stock Exchange |
NZAU | Auckland |
NZWE | Wellington |
PAPC | Panama City |
PHMA | Manila |
PKKA | Karachi |
PLWA | Warsaw |
PTLI | Lisbon |
ROBU | Bucharest |
RUMO | Moscow |
SARI | Riyadh |
SEST | Stockholm |
SGSI | Singapore |
SKBR | Bratislava |
THBA | Bangkok |
TRAN | Ankara |
TRIS | Istanbul |
TWTA | Taipei |
USCH | Chicago |
USGS | U.S. Government Securities |
USLA | Los Angeles |
USNY | New York |
VNHA | Hanoi |
ZAJO | Johannesburg |
The codes are based on the ISO country code and the English name of the location.
Additional location codes must be built as follows: the first 2 characters represent the ISO country code, the next two characters represent 1) if the location name is one word, the first two letters of the location 2) if the location name consists of at least two words, the first letter of the first word followed by the first letter of the second word.
If new financial centres are added and codes are used which might cause confusion (for example, Dallas and Dayton in the US), the code word OTHR must be used. Field 72 must then contain: /LOCC/+ English location name.
All applicable financial centres must be included in the same repetitive block and ordered alphabetically (for matching purposes).