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MT 340 Field Specifications

24. Field 14D: Floating Rate Day Count Fraction


Option D 7x (Day Count Fraction)


Mandatory in mandatory subsequence B2


This field specifies the number of days taken into account for the calculation of the interest.

For an ISDA Master (Type in field 77H = ISDA), this field specifies the Day Count Fraction as per ISDA definitions.


One of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T36):

30E/360 30E/360 (ISDA)
360/360 30/360, 360/360 or Bond Basis
ACT/360 Actual/360, Act/360, A/360
ACT/365 Actual/365, Actual/Actual, Actual/Actual (ISDA), Act/Act, Act/Act (ISDA)
AFI/365 Actual/365 (fixed)
EBD/360 30E/360 or Eurobond Basis
EXA/EXA Base Exact/Exact as per September 1994 additives to AFB definitions or 1/1
ICM/ACT Actual/Actual (ICMA), Act/Act (ICMA)
OTHER The Day Count Fraction is specified in field 72.


When the 2000 ISDA definitions are applicable, note that the following applies:

Codes ISDA 2000
30E/360 30E/360, Eurobond Basis
360/360 30/360, 360/360, Bond Basis
ACT/360 Actual/360, Act/360, A/360
ACT/365 Actual/Actual, Act/365, A/365, Actual/Actual, Act/Act
AFI/365 Actual/365 (Fixed), Act/365 (Fixed), A/365 (Fixed), A/365F

When the 2006 ISDA definitions are applicable, note that the following applies:

Codes ISDA 2006
30E/360 30E/360 (ISDA)
360/360 30/360, 360/360, Bond Basis
ACT/360 Actual/360, Act/360, A/360
ACT/365 Actual/Actual, Actual/Actual (ISDA), Act/Act, Act/Act (ISDA)
AFI/365 Actual/365 (Fixed), Act/365 (Fixed), A/365 (Fixed), A/365F
EBD/360 30E/360, Eurobond Basis
ICM/Act Actual/Actual (ICMA), Act/Act (ICMA)