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MT 306 Field Specifications

14. Field 22K: Type of Event


Option K 4!c[/35x] (Type of Event)(Narrative)


Mandatory in mandatory sequence A


This field specifies the event in the life of the option.


Type of Event must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): T48):

CLST This is a confirmation of a close out.
CONF This is a first confirmation.
KNIN This is a notice of a knock-in: the option has a specified spot level, which, if touched during the knock-in period, triggers the option into existence. Prior to that level being touched, no option exists.
KNOT This is a notice of a knock-out: the option has a specified spot level, which, if touched during the knock-out period, terminates the option.
OTHR Any other event, as specified in the second subfield.
TRIG This is a notice of a trigger hit.


If Type of Event contains the code OTHR, Narrative is mandatory; otherwise Narrative is not allowed (Error code(s): D81).


If code is CLST, KNIN, KNOT, or TRIG, the affected option trade must be identified in field 21.