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MT 305 Field Specifications

12. Field 31G: Expiry Details


Option G 6!n/4!n/12a (Date)(Time)(Location)


Mandatory in mandatory sequence A


This field specifies the date, time and location at which the option expires. If the message is for a non-deliverable option, the date in this field is also the valuation date for the option.

This field specifies the date, time and location at which the option expires.


One of the following codes can be used in Location:

ARBA Buenos Aires
ATVI Vienna
AUME Melbourne
AUSY Sydney
BEBR Brussels
BRSP São Paulo
CAMO Montreal
CATO Toronto
CHGE Geneva
CHZU Zurich
CLSA Santiago
CNBE Beijing
CZPR Prague
DECB European Central Bank
DEFR Frankfurt
DKCO Copenhagen
EETA Tallinn
ESMA Madrid
EUTA Target
FIHE Helsinki
FRPA Paris
GBLO London
GRAT Athens
HKHK Hong Kong
HUBU Budapest
IDJA Jakarta
IEDU Dublin
ILTA Tel Aviv
INMU Mumbai
ITMI Milan
JPTO Tokyo
KRSE Seoul
LBBE Beirut
LKCO Colombo
LULU Luxembourg
MXMC Mexico City
MYKL Kuala Lumpur
NLAM Amsterdam
NYFD New York Fed
NYSE New York Stock Exchange
NZAU Auckland
NZWE Wellington
PAPC Panama City
PHMA Manila
PLWA Warsaw
PTLI Lisbon
ROBU Bucharest
RUMO Moscow
SARI Riyadh
SEST Stockholm
SGSI Singapore
SKBR Bratislava
THBA Bangkok
TRAN Ankara
TRIS Istanbul
TWTA Taipei
USCH Chicago
USGS U.S. Government Securities
USLA Los Angeles
USNY New York
VNHA Hanoi
ZAJO Johannesburg


Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).

Time must be a valid time expressed as HHMM (Error code(s): T38).


The codes are based on the ISO country code and the English name of the location.

Additional location codes must be built as follows: the first 2 characters represent the ISO country code, the next two characters represent 1) if the location name is one word, the first two letters of the location 2) if the location name consists of at least two words, the first letter of the first word followed by the first letter of the second word.