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MT 305 Field Specifications

4. Field 22: Code/Common Reference


8a/4!a2!c4!n4!a2!c (Code)(Common Reference)


Mandatory in mandatory sequence A


This field specifies the function of the message followed by a reference which is common to both the Sender and the Receiver.


Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): T47):

AMEND Amendment Confirmation of mutually agreed changes to a deal which has been previously confirmed.
Correction of error(s) in a previously sent message.
Complementary information, for example, in those cases where the previous confirmation contained the code UNKNOWN in field 57a.
CANCEL Cancellation Confirmation of a mutually agreed cancellation of a contract. Cancellation of an erroneously sent message.
CLOSEOUT Close Out Confirmation of the mutually agreed surrender of the option by the buyer (holder) to the seller (grantor) for compensation.
NEW New Contract Confirmation of a new contract.


Common Reference consists of two codes, a Sender's code and a Receiver's code, separated by a four-digit number.

The codes are made up from the party prefix and party suffix of the Sender's and Receiver's BICs, that is, their BIC without the country code (Error code(s): T95). These codes must appear in alphabetical order, with letters taking precedence over numbers (Error code(s): T96).

The four-digit number must consist of the rightmost non-zero digit of field 36, preceded by the three digits to the left of it. If there are no digits to the left of it, the space must be zero filled (Error code(s): T22).