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MT 671 Examples

Example 1: Correspondent Banking Scenario


PEFIGB22 notifies all institutions of how it expects AUD and ZAR payments to be settled, using an MT 670 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification Request message to SWIFT, which is forwarded as an MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification message to all SWIFT institutions. Each SSI recipient sets up the cash settlement information in its database.

The AUD correspondent of PEFIGB22 is BANKAU2L, account number 555555.

The ZAR correspondent of PEFIGB22 is JANIZAJJ, account number 777777.

Subsequently, BDAPGB22 makes an AUD payment to PEFIGB22 via its AUD correspondent. BDAPGB22 uses BANKAU2L as its AUD correspondent (the same as PEFIGB22).

And subsequently, WWYMGB22 makes a ZAR payment to PEFIGB22 via its ZAR correspondent. WWYMGB22 uses BANKZAJJ as its ZAR correspondent.

Information Flow


Message 1 MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification:

This shows the MT 671 as sent to just one institution, BDAPGB22. A similar MT 671 is sent to WWYMGB22:

Explanation Format
Message Type 671
Receiver BDAPGB22
Start of Block :16R:GENL
Sender's Message Reference :20C::SEME//345678
Function of the message :23G:NEWM
Submitting Party (Sender) :95P::SUBM//PEFIGB22
Contact Person :95Q::CONT//Mr Green
SSI Update Type Indicator :22F::UDTP//CASH
End of Block :16S:GENL
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI :22H::SSIP//NEWS
SSI Reference - optional :20C::SSIR//SSI Ref 66
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//AUD
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//CASH
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//BANKAU2L
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95P::BENM//PEFIGB22
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//555555
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S:SSIDET
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI :22H::SSIP//NEWS
SSI Reference - optional :20C::SSIR//SSI Ref 67
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//ZAR
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//CASH
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//JANIZAJJ
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95P::BENM//PEFIGB22
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//777777
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S:SSIDET

Message 2 MT 202 General Financial Institution Transfer

Using data in its SSI database, BDAPGB22 sends an MT 202 to its AUD correspondent to pay the AUD amount:

Explanation Format
Sender BDAPGB22
Message Type 202
Receiver BANKAU2L
Transaction Reference Number :20:123123
Related Reference :21:121212
Value Date, Currency Code, Amount :32A:091122AUD4000,
Beneficiary Institution and its account at Receiver :58A:/555555

The Receiver of the MT is BDAPGB22's AUD correspondent. This bank is also the AUD correspondent of PEFIGB22.

Message 3 MT 202 General Financial Institution Transfer

Using data in its SSI database, WWYMGB22 sends an MT 202 to its ZAR correspondent to pay the ZAR amount:

Explanation Format
Sender WWYMGB22
Message Type 202
Transaction Reference Number :20:234234
Related Reference :21:200034
Value Date, Currency Code, Amount :32A:091122ZAR4000,
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :57A:JANIZAJJ
Beneficiary Institution and its account at Account With Institution :58A:/777777

Example 2: Basic FX Scenario


PEFIGB22 has notified its trade counter-party BDAPGB22 of how it expects AUD to be settled, using an MT 670 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification Request message to SWIFT, which is forwarded as an MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification message to BDAPGB22. BDAPGB22 sets up the cash settlement information in its database.

Subsequently, PEFIGB22 does a deal with BDAPGB22, and buys AUD. PEFIGB22 has JANIAU2X as its AUD correspondent, account 999999. BDAPGB22 uses BANKAU2X as its AUD correspondent.

Information Flow


Message 1 MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification:

Explanation Format
Message Type 671
Receiver BDAPGB22
Start of Block :16R:GENL
Sender's Message Reference :20C::SEME//123456
Function of the Message :23G:NEWM
Submitting Party (Sender) :95P::SUBM//PEFIGB22
Contact Person :95Q::CONT//Mr Jones
SSI Update Type Indicator :22F::UDTP//CASH
End of Block :16S:GENL
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI :22H::SSIP//NEWS
SSI Reference - optional :20C::SSIR//SSI Ref 1
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//AUD
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Effective Date Indicator - the SSI must be applied to all outstanding trades :22F::EFFD//OUTS
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//FOEX
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//JANIAU2X
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95P::BENM//PEFIGB22
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//999999
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S:SSIDET

Message 2 MT 300 Foreign Exchange Confirmation - Extract:

Using data in its SSI database, BDAPGB22 sends back its MT 300 to PEFIGB22 confirming that it will pay the AUD to PEFIGB22's AUD correspondent in favour of PEFIGB22's account.

Only mandatory subsequence B2 Amount Sold is shown:

Explanation Format
Sender BDAPGB22
Message Type 300
Receiver PEFIGB22
Currency, Amount :33B:AUD4000,
Receiving Agent and account of Beneficiary at Receiving Agent :57A:/999999
Beneficiary Institution :58A:PEFIGB22

Message 3 MT 202 General Financial Institution Transfer:

Using data in its SSI database, the broker BDAPGB22 sends an MT 202 to its AUD correspondent to pay the AUD amount:

Explanation Format
Sender BDAPGB22
Message type 202
Receiver BANKAU2X
Transaction Reference Number :20:654654
Related Reference :21:987987
Value Date, Currency Code, Amount :32A:091123AUD4000,
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :57A:JANIAU2X
Beneficiary Institution and its account at Account with Institution :58A:/999999

Example 3: Fund Manager Scenario - with Intermediary


PEFIGB22 has notified its broker BDAPGB22 of how it expects AUD to be settled for trades carried out on behalf of Fund A, using an MT 670 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification Request message to SWIFT, which is forwarded as an MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification message to BDAPGB22. BDAPGB22 sets up the cash settlement information in its database.

Subsequently, Fund A uses fund manager PEFIGB22 to carry out a deal with BDAPGB22 and buys AUD. Fund A's custodian is CUSTGB22, its account at the custodian is 111111. The custodian, CUSTGB22, has JANIAU1L as its AUD correspondent, account 222222. (BDAPGB22 uses WWYMAU1L as its AUD correspondent.)

Information Flow


Message 1 MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification:

Explanation Format
Message Type 671
Receiver BDAPGB22
Start of Block :16R:GENL
Sender's Message Reference :20C::SEME//457457
Function of the Message :23G:NEWM
Submitting Party (Sender) :95P::SUBM//PEFIGB22
SSI Update Type Indicator :22F::UDTP//CASH
End of Block :16S:GENL
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI :22H::SSIP//NEWS
SSI Reference - optional :20C::SSIR//SSI Ref 2
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//AUD
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Effective Date Indicator - the SSI must be applied to all future trades :22F::EFFD//FUTU
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//FOEX
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Intermediary :95P::INT1//JANIAU1L
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//CUSTGB22
Cash Account (Account With Institution's account at Intermediary) :97A::CASH//222222
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95Q::BENM//Fund A
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//111111
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S:SSIDET

Message 2 MT 300 Foreign Exchange Confirmation - Extract:

Using data in its SSI database, BDAPGB22 sends back its MT 300 to PEFIGB22 confirming that it will pay the AUD to the PEFI's AUD correspondent in favour of the fund's account at the custodian.

Only the mandatory subsequence B2 Amount Sold is shown and the identification of the fund:

Explanation Format
Sender BDAPGB22
Message Type 300
Receiver PEFIGB22
Fund/Beneficiary Institution :83J:/NAME/Fund A
Currency, Amount :33B:AUD4000,
Intermediary and account of Receiving Agent at Intermediary :56A:/222222
Receiving Agent and account of Beneficiary at Receiving Agent :57A:/111111

Message 3 MT 202 General Financial Institution Transfer:

Using data in its SSI database, the broker BDAPGB22 sends an MT 202 to its AUD correspondent to pay the AUD amount:

Explanation Format
Sender BDAPGB22
Message type 202
Receiver WWYMAU1L
Transaction Reference Number :20:189189
Related Reference :21:637637
Value Date, Currency Code, Amount :32A:091123AUD4000,
Intermediary :56A:JANIAU1L
Account With Institution and its account at Intermediary :57A:/222222
Beneficiary Institution and its account at Account With Institution 58D:/111111
Fund A

Example 4: SSIs Centralised


PEFIGB22, London, also manages SSIs for PEFIIE2D (Dublin) and has notified its trade counter-party, BDAPGB22, of how it expects AUD to be settled for trades with PEFIIE2D, using an MT 670 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification Request message to SWIFT, which is forwarded as an MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification message to BDAPGB22. BDAPGB22 sets up the cash settlement information in its database.

Subsequently, PEFIIE22, does a deal with BDAPGB22 (Trading Party B) and buys AUD. PEFIIE2D has JANIAU2X as its AUD correspondent, account 444444. BDAPGB22, uses BANKAU2X as its AUD correspondent.

Information Flow


Message 1 MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification:

Explanation Format
Message Type 671
Receiver BDAPGB22
Start of Block :16R:GENL
Sender's Message Reference :20C::SEME//889889
Function of Message :23G:NEWM
Submitting Party (Sender) :95P::SUBM//PEFIGB22
Trade Party :95P::TRAD//PEFIIE2D
SSI Update Type Indicator :22F::UDTP//CASH
End of Block :16S:GENL
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI :22H::SSIP//NEWS
SSI Reference - optional :20C::SSIR//SSI Ref 3
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//AUD
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Effective Date Indicator - the SSI must be applied to all outstanding trades and they must be reconfirmed :22F::EFFD//RCON
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//FOEX
Start of Block :16R::CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as Receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//JANIAU2X
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95P::BENM//PEFIIE2D
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//444444
End of Block :16S::CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S::SSIDET

Message 2 MT 300 Foreign Exchange Confirmation - Extract:

Using data in its SSI database, BDAPGB22 sends back its MT 300 to PEFIIE2D confirming that it will pay the AUD to PEFIIE2D's AUD correspondent in favour of PEFIIE2D's account.

Only the mandatory subsequence B2 Amount Sold is shown:

Explanation Format
Sender BDAPGB22
Message Type 300
Receiver PEFIIE2D
Currency, Amount :33B:AUD4000,
Receiving Agent and account of Beneficiary at Receiving Agent :57A:/444444
Beneficiary Institution :58A:PEFIIE2D

Message 3 MT 202 General Financial Institution Transfer:

Using data in its SSI database, the broker BDAPGB22 sends an MT 202 to its AUD correspondent to pay the AUD amount:

Explanation Format
Sender BDAPGB22
Message type 202
Receiver BANKAU2X
Transaction Reference Number :20:100089
Related Reference :21:100076
Value Date, Currency Code, Amount :32A:091123AUD4000,
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) 57A:JANIAU2X
Beneficiary Institution and its account at Account With Institution 58A:/444444

Example 5: SSIs Centralised and Fund Manager


PEFIGB22, London, also manages SSIs for PEFIIE2D (Dublin) and has notified its trade counter-party, BDAPGB22, of how it expects AUD to be settled for trades carried out by PEFIIE2D on behalf of Fund A, using an MT 670 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification Request message to SWIFT, which is forwarded as an MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification message to BDAPGB22. BDAPGB22 sets up the cash settlement information in its database.

Subsequently, Fund A using fund manager, PEFIIE2D, does a deal with BDAPGB22 and buys AUD. Fund A's custodian is CUSTGB22, its account at the custodian is 111111. The custodian, CUSTGB22, has JANIAU2X as its AUD correspondent, account 222222. (BDAPGB22 uses BANKAU2X as its AUD correspondent.)

Information Flow


Message 1 MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification:

Explanation Format
Message Type 671
Receiver BDAPGB22
Start of Block :16R:GENL
Sender's Message Reference :20C::SEME//123987
Function of Message :23G:NEWM
Submitting Party (Sender) :95P::SUBM//PEFIGB22
Trade Party :95P::TRAD//PEFIIE2D
SSI Update Type Indicator :22F::UDTP//CASH
End of Block :16S:GENL
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI :22H::SSIP//NEWS
SSI Reference - optional :20C::SSIR//SSI Ref 3
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//AUD
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Effective Date Indicator - the SSI must be applied to all future trades :22F::EFFD//FUTU
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//FOEX
Start of Block :16R::CSHPRTY
Intermediary :95P::INT1//JANIAU2X
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R::CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//CUSTGB22
Cash Account (account of Account With Institution at Intermediary) :97A::CASH//222222
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95Q::BENM//Fund A
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//111111
End of Block :16S::CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S::SSIDET

Message 2 MT 300 Foreign Exchange Confirmation - Extract:

Using data in its SSI database, BDAPGB22 sends back its MT 300 to PEFIIE2D confirming that it will pay the AUD to PEFI's AUD correspondent in favour of the fund's account at the custodian.

Only the mandatory subsequence B2 Amount Sold is shown and the identification of the fund:

Explanation Format
Sender BDAPGB22
Message Type 300
Receiver PEFIIE2D
Fund/Beneficiary Institution :83J:/NAME/Fund A
Currency, Amount :33B:AUD4000,
Intermediary and account of Receiving Agent at Intermediary :56A:/222222
Receiving Agent and account of Beneficiary at Receiving Agent :57A:/111111

Message 3 MT 202 General Financial Institution Transfer

Using data in its SSI database, the broker BDAPGB22 sends an MT 202 to its AUD correspondent to pay the AUD amount:

Explanation Format
Sender (broker) BDAPGB22
Message type 202
Receiver (broker's AUD correspondent) BANKAU2X
Transaction Reference Number :20:123987
Related Reference :21:565656
Value Date, Currency Code, Amount :32A:091123AUD4000,
Intermediary :56A:JANIAU2X
Account With Institution and its account at Intermediary 57A:/222222
Beneficiary Institution and its account at Account With Institution 58A:/111111
Fund A

Example 6: SSIs Centralised 2, Two Beneficiaries


JANISESK, Stockholm, manages SSIs for JANIFI22 (Helsinki) and JANIDKKK (Copenhagen) and have the same AUD correspondent and account. JANISESK has notified its trade counter-party, BDAPGB22, of how it expects AUD to be settled for their trades, using an MT 670 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification Request message to SWIFT, which is forwarded as an MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification message to BDAPGB22. BDAPGB22 sets up the cash settlement information in its database.

Subsequently, JANIFI22, Finland, does a deal with BDAPGB22 and buys AUD. JANI has WWYMAU2X as its AUD correspondent, account 777777. BDAPGB22, uses BANKAU2X as its AUD correspondent.

Information Flow

Diagram 1 - SSI


Diagram 2 - Settlement parties and payment


Message 1 MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification:

Explanation Format
Message Type 671
Receiver BDAPGB22
Start of Block :16R:GENL
Sender's Message Reference :20C::SEME//989898
Function of Message :23G:NEWM
Submitting Party (Sender) :95P::SUBM//JANISESK
SSI Update Type Indicator :22F::UDTP//CASH
End of Block :16S:GENL
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI :22H::SSIP//NEWS
SSI Reference - optional :20C::SSIR//SSI Ref 2
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//AUD
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Effective Date Indicator - the SSI must be applied to all future trades :22F::EFFD//FUTU
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//FOEX
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//WWYMAU2X
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95P::BENM//JANIFI22
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//777777
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95P::BENM//JANIDKKK
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//777777
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S:SSIDET

Message 2 MT 300 Foreign Exchange Confirmation - Extract:

Using data in its SSI database, BDAPGB22 sends back its MT 300 to JANIFI22 confirming that it will pay the AUD to JANIFI22's AUD correspondent in favour of JANI's account.

Only the mandatory subsequence B2 Amount Sold is shown:

Explanation Format
Sender BDAPGB22
Message Type 300
Receiver JANIFI22
Currency, Amount :33B:AUD4000,
Receiving Agent and account of Beneficiary at Receiving Agent :57A:/777777
Beneficiary Institution :58A:JANIFI22

Message 3 MT 202 General Financial Institution Transfer:

Using data in its SSI database, the broker BDAPGB22 sends an MT 202 to its AUD correspondent to pay the AUD amount:

Explanation Format
Sender BDAPGB22
Message type 202
Receiver BANKAU2X
Transaction Reference Number :20:434343
Related Reference :21:282828
Value Date, Currency Code, Amount :32A:091123AUD4000,
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :57A:WWYMAU2X
Beneficiary Institution and account of Beneficiary at Account With Institution :58A:/777777

Example 7: Securities Scenario - Cash is Settled Separately from Securities


PEFIGB22 has notified its broker dealer, BDAPGB22 of how its expects securities trades to be settled, when the cash (GBP) has to be settled separately, using an MT 670 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification Request message to SWIFT, which is forwarded as an MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification message to all SWIFT institutions. BDAPGB22 sets up the cash settlement information in its database.

Subsequently, PEFIGB22 places an order to sell equities, the payment indicator is FREE (cash is settled separately from the securities).

PEFIGB22's cash agent is JANIGB22, account number 666666. JANIGB22's sort code is 121212. BDAPGB22 uses WWYMGB22 as its cash agent.

Information Flow


Message 1 MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification:

Explanation Format
Message Type 671
Receiver BDAPGB22
Start of Block :16R:GENL
Sender's Message Reference :20C::SEME//767676
Function of Message :23G:NEWM
Submitting Party (Sender) :95P::SUBM//PEFIGB22
Contact Person :95Q::CONT//Ms Black
SSI Update Type Indicator :22F::UDTP//CASH
End of Block :16S:GENL
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI :22H::SSIP//NEWS
SSI Reference - optional :20C::SSIR//SSI Ref 79
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//GBP
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Effective Date Indicator - the SSI must be applied to all future trades :22F::EFFD//FUTU
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//SECU
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//JANIGB22
Account With Institution's sort code :95R::ACCW/SC/121212
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95P::BENM//PEFIGB22
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//666666
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S:SSIDET

Message 2 MT 202 General Financial Institution Transfer

Using data in its SSI database, BDAPGB22 sends an MT 202 to its cash agent to pay the GBP amount:

Explanation Format
Sender BDAPGB22
Message type 202
Receiver WWYMGB22
Transaction Reference Number :20:535353
Related Reference :21:727272
Value Date, Currency Code, Amount :32A:091123GBP4000,
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent)  (1)  :57A:JANIGB22
Beneficiary Institution and its account at Account With Institution :58A:/666666

(1)  The account with institution has been identified with a BIC using 57A. If a sort code is to be specified, then 57D is used.

Example 8: SSI Re-confirmation

In the past PEFIGB22 has notified BDAPGB22 of how it expects its AUD, USD, CAD and ZAR to be paid.

PEFIGB22 now re-confirms to BDAPGB22 its SSIs using an MT 670 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification Request message to SWIFT, which is forwarded as an MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification message to BDAPGB22.

PEFIGB22 uses the following correspondents:

Information Flow


Message 1 MT 671 Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) Update Notification Request

Explanation Format
Message Type 671
Receiver BDAPGB22
Start of Block :16R:GENL
Sender's Message Reference :20C::SEME//67890
Function of Message :23G:NEWM
Submitting Party (Sender) :95P::SUBM//PEFIGB22
SSI Update Type Indicator :22F::UDTP//CASH
End of Block :16S:GENL
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI   (1)  :22H::SSIP//RECO
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//AUD
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//CASH
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//BANKAU2L
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95P::BENM//PEFIGB22
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//555555
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S:SSIDET
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI  (1)  :22H::SSIP//RECO
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//USD
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//CASH
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//JANIUS33
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95P::BENM//PEFIGB22
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//666666
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S:SSIDET
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI   (1)  :22H::SSIP//RECO
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//CAD
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//CASH
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//WWYMCATT
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95P::BENM//PEFIGB22
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//777777
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S:SSIDET
Start of Block :16R:SSIDET
Purpose of the SSI   (1)  :22H::SSIP//RECO
Currency of the SSI :11A::SETT//ZAR
Effective Date :98A::EFFD//20091105
Market Area Indicator :22F::MARK//CASH
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Account With Institution (also known as receiving agent) :95P::ACCW//JANIZAJJ
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
Start of Block :16R:CSHPRTY
Beneficiary :95P::BENM//PEFIGB22
Cash Account (Beneficiary's account at Account With Institution) :97A::CASH//888888
End of Block :16S:CSHPRTY
End of Block :16S:SSIDET

(1)  For those situations in which a submitting party wants to send out a 'list' of all its SSIs, then the code RECO is used at the individual SSI level.