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MT 620 Field Specifications

65. Field 72: Sender to Receiver Information


6*35x (Narrative Structured Format)

The following line format must be used:

Line 1 /8c/[additional information] (Code)(Narrative)
Lines 2-6 [//continuation of additional information]
[/8c/[additional information]]


Optional in conditional (see rule C10) sequence H


This field specifies additional information for the Receiver and applies to the whole message.


One of the following codes may be used in Code:

BROKER Identification of the broker negotiating the contract on behalf of one of the parties.
ELEC Indicates that the deal has been arranged via an electronic means. The code can be followed by an indication of the specific electronic means used for arranging the deal.
INTERMDY Specifies the intermediary institution for the settlement of the commodity.
PHON The deal was arranged by telephone.
TELEX The deal was arranged by telex.
TIME The time at which the transaction was concluded.
VENU The venue where the transaction was executed.


Only bilaterally agreed codes can be used in this field.

Each code used must be put between slashes and appear at the beginning of a line.

All alphabetic characters in a code must be in upper case.

Additional explanatory information, which may be continued on the next lines, is preceded by a double slash '//'. Narrative text that is not qualified by a code must start with a double slash '//' on a new line, and should preferably be the last information in this field.

Field 72 must not be used for information for which another field is intended.

The use of this field with unstructured text may require manual intervention and thus cause delay in automated systems.

If the time of the transaction requires to be specified, the code word /TIME/ must be used, followed by the time at which the transaction was executed.

If the venue where the transaction was executed has to be reported, the code word /VENU/ must be used followed by the Market Identifier Code, MIC (ISO 10383) which is used to identify exchanges and Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTF), or the XOFF code.