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MT 620 Network Validated Rules


In sequence A, the presence of field 21 depends on the value of fields 22B and 22A as follows (Error code(s): D70):

Sequence A
if field 22B is ...
Sequence A
and if field 22A is ...
Sequence A
then field 21 is ...
CONF NEWT Optional
CONF Not equal to NEWT Mandatory
Not equal to CONF Any value Mandatory


In sequence A, if field 94A is present and contains AGNT, then field 21N in sequence A is mandatory, otherwise field 21N is optional (Error code(s): D72):

Sequence A
if field 94A is ...
Sequence A
then field 21N is ...
AGNT Mandatory
BILA Optional
BROK Optional
Not present Optional


In sequence B, the presence of fields 32H, 32R and 30X depends on the value of field 22B in sequence A as follows (Error code(s): D56):

Sequence A
if field 22B is ...
Sequence B
then field 32a (index 19) is ...
Sequence B
and field 30X is ...
CONF Not allowed Mandatory
MATU Mandatory Not allowed
ROLL Mandatory Mandatory


In sequence B, the values allowed for field 32H and 32R depend on the values of fields 22B in sequence A and 17R in sequence B as follows (Error code(s): D57):

Sequence A
if field 22B is ...
Sequence B
and field 17R is ...
Sequence B
then field 32a (index 19) Amount must be ...
MATU L Negative or zero   (1) 
MATU B Positive or zero   (1) 
Not equal to MATU Not applicable Not applicable

(1)  The presence of the letter N (Sign) in subfield 1 of field 32a specifies a negative amount.

The absence of the letter N (Sign) in subfield 1 of field 32a specifies a positive amount.

If subfield 3 (Amount) of field 32a equals 0 (that is zero value), then the letter N (Sign) in subfield 1 of field 32a is not allowed (Error code(s): T14).

Note: See rule C3 (Error code(s): D56).


In sequence A, if field 22B contains MATU, then field 30F in sequence B is not allowed, otherwise field 30F is optional (Error code(s): D69):

Sequence A
if field 22B is ...
Sequence B
then field 30F is ...
MATU Not allowed
Not equal to MATU Optional


In sequence B, if field 30F is present then field 38J in sequence B is mandatory, otherwise field 38J is not allowed (Error code(s): D60):

Sequence B
if field 30F is ...
Sequence B
then field 38J is ...
Present Mandatory
Not present Not allowed


In sequences C, D, E (if present) and F (if present), if field 56a is not present, then field 86a in the same sequence C, D, E or F is not allowed, otherwise field 86a is optional (Error code(s): E35):

Sequence C
if field 56a is ...
Sequence C
then field 86a is ...
Not present Not allowed
Present Optional

Sequence D
if field 56a is ...
Sequence D
then field 86a is ...
Not present Not allowed
Present Optional

Sequence E
if field 56a is ...
Sequence E
then field 86a is ...
Not present Not allowed
Present Optional

Sequence F
if field 56a is ...
Sequence F
then field 86a is ...
Not present Not allowed
Present Optional


The presence of sequence H and the presence of fields 88a and 71F in sequence H, depend on the value of field 94A in sequence A as follows (Error code(s): D74):

Sequence A
if field 94A is ...
Then sequence H is ... Sequence H
and field 88a is ...
Sequence H
and field 71F is ...
Not present Optional Optional Not allowed
AGNT Optional Optional Not allowed
BILA Optional Optional Not allowed
BROK Mandatory Mandatory Optional


If field 32H is present, then the currency code must be the same as the currency code in field 32B (Error code(s): C02).


In sequence H, field 15H may not be the only field, that is, if field 15H is present, then at least one of the other fields of sequence H must be present (Error code(s): C98).


In all optional sequences and sub-sequences, the field with status M must be present if the sequence or sub-sequence is present, and are otherwise not allowed (Error code(s): C32).


The use of GOZ and TOZ in subfield Unit in sequence B, fields 32F, 32R and 34J and in sequence G, field 33J of subsequence G1 and field 33J of subsequence G2 depends on the commodity in subfield Type in field 26C, in sequence A, as follows (Error code(s): D07):

Sequence A
if Type in field 26C is ...
Sequence B
then Unit in fields 32F, 32R, and 34J must be ...
Subsequence G1
and Unit in field 33J must be ...
Subsequence G2
and Unit in field 33J must be ...
GOLD Neither GOZ nor TOZ Neither GOZ nor TOZ Neither GOZ nor TOZ

When GOLD is defined in subfield 4 (Type) of field 26C, then the Unit GOZ and TOZ can not be used in the following fields (Error code(s): D07):

  • Mandatory Sequence B field 32a Currency and Principal Amount (Option F only)

  • Mandatory Sequence B field 32a Amount to be Settled (Option R only)

  • Mandatory Sequence B field 34a Currency and Interest Amount (Option J only)

  • Optional Sequence G Mandatory Subsequence G1 field 33a Transaction Currency and Net Interest Amount (Option J only)

  • Optional Sequence G Optional Subsequence G2 field 33a Reporting Currency and Tax Amount (Option J only)