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MT 609 Field Specifications

7. Field 68a: Transaction Details


Option B 6!n6!n16x/1!a3!a15d
Option C 4a/4a/1!a[6!n]3!a15d

where subfields of option B are:

Subfield Format Name
1 6!n (Trade Date)
2 6!n (Maturity Date)
3 16x (Contract Number)
4 /1!a (Indicator)
5 3!a15d
(Unit)(Quantity of the Commodity)
6 3!a15d (Currency)(Price Per Unit)
7 /6!n (Value Date of the Consideration)
8 3!a15d (Currency)(Consideration)

and where subfields of option C are:

Subfield Format Name
1 4a (Buy/Sell Indicator)
2 /4a (Call/Put indicator)
3 /1!a (Style Indicator)
4 [6!n] (Date Contract Agreed)
5 3!a15d
(Unit)(Amount of the Underlying Commodity)
6 3!a15d (Currency)(Strike Price Per Unit)
7 3!a15d (Currency)(Premium Price Per Unit)
8 3!a15d (Currency)(Premium Payment)




This field provides transaction details on undelivered SPOTS or outstanding FORWARDS (option B) or pending OPTIONS (option C) as specified in the immediately preceding field 23.


In option B, subfield 4 Indicator, one of the following codes must be used (Error code(s): T05):

B The Sender bought the commodity
S The Sender sold the commodity


In option B, or C, Unit specifies the unit on which the amount of the commodity bought or sold is based. It must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): T06):

FOZ Fine Troy Ounce
GOZ Gross Ounce
GRM Gramme
KLO Kilo
LIT Litre
OTH Other
PND Pound
TAL Tael
TOL Tola
TON Metric Tonne
TOZ Troy Ounce
UNT Unit


In option C, subfield 1 Buy/Sell Indicator, must contain one of the following codes:

BUY The Sender has bought the option
SELL The Sender has sold the option


In option C, subfield 2 Call/Put indicator, must contain one of the following codes:

CALL The option is a call
PUT The option is a put


In option C, subfield 3 Style Indicator, must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): T09):

A This is an American style option
E This is a European style option
V This is an Asian style option


In option B:

When field 23 contains SPOTS or FORWARDS, option B must be used (See Rule C1).

Subfield 1, Trade Date, subfield 2, Maturity Date and subfield 7, Value Date, must be valid dates expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).

In subfields 5, 6 and 8, the integer part of Quantity of the Commodity, Price Per Unit and Consideration must contain at least one digit. The decimal comma ',' is mandatory and is included in the maximum length (Error code(s): T40,T43).

In subfield 5, Quantity of the Commodity, must not contain more than six digits following the decimal comma (Error code(s): C89).

In subfields 6 and 8, Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).

In subfields 6 and 8, Currency must be the same in Price Per Unit and Consideration (Error code(s): T74).

In subfield 8, the number of decimal digits in Consideration will be validated against the maximum number allowed for the corresponding currency specified in Currency (Error code(s): C03).

In option C:

When field 23 contains OPTIONS, option C must be used (See Rule C2).

Subfield 4, Date Contract Agreed, must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).

The integer part of Amount in subfields 5,6,7 and 8, the Underlying Commodity, Strike Price, Premium Price Per Unit and Premium Payment must contain at least one digit. The decimal comma ',' is mandatory and is included in the maximum length (Error code(s): T40,T43).

In subfield 5, Amount of the Underlying Commodity must not contain more than six digits following the decimal comma (Error code(s): C89).

In subfields 6, 7 and 8, Currency must be a valid ISO 4217 currency code (Error code(s): T52).

In subfields 6, 7 and 8, Currency must be the same in Strike Price, Premium Price Per Unit and Premium Payment (Error code(s): T74).

In Premium Payment, the number of decimal digits will be validated against the maximum number allowed for the corresponding currency specified in Currency (Error code(s): C03).


Contract Number specifies the reference of the contract, for example, the field 20 Transaction Reference Number of the MT 600 Commodity Trade Confirmation.

When Unit 'OTH' is used, the unit of the commodity must be defined in field 72.