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MT 608 Examples


On 1 February 1991, Samuel Montagu & Co. Ltd., London, sends its semi-monthly statement of the commodity account it services for Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt.

This statement advises that Deutsche Bank's unallocated gold account was:

Information Flow


SWIFT Message

Explanation Format
Message Type 608
Message Text
Transaction Reference Number :20:T881058
Identification of the Commodity :26C:/LONDON/UNALLGOLD
Statement Number/Page Number :28:2/1
Opening Balance  (1)  :60F:C910115FOZ100000,
1st Transaction  (2)  :61:910117D10000,S604F56445677
2nd Transaction  (3)  :61:910125D10000,S604F65633469
3rd Transaction  (4)  :61:910124C2000,S607CRESZZ3105DEUTFF
Closing Balance  (5)  :62F:C910131FOZ82000,
End of Message Text/Trailer

(1)  The opening balance of the commodity account, which is equivalent to the closing balance of the account in the previous statement of the commodity account.

(2)  The statement line for a debit entry dated 17 January 1991 of 10000 fine ounces, resulting from an MT 604.

(3)  The statement line for a debit entry dated 25 January 1991 of 10000 fine ounces, resulting from an MT 604.

(4)  The statement line for a credit entry dated 24 January 1991 of 2000 fine ounces, resulting from an MT 607.

(5)  The closing balance of the commodity account following the credit of 2000 fine ounces and the two debits of 10000 fine ounces each.