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MT 608 Field Specifications

6. Field 61: Statement Line



where subfields are:

Subfield Format Name
1 6!n (Date)
2 [4!n] (Entry Date)
3 2a (Debit/Credit Mark)
4 [1!a] (Funds Code)
5 15d (Amount)
6 1!a3!c (Transaction Type)(Identification Code)
7 16x (Reference for the Account Owner)
8 [//16x] (Reference of the Account Servicing Institution)

(Supplementary Details)




This field contains the details of each transaction.

Subfield 1 Date, is the date on which the debit/credit is effective.

Subfield 2 Entry Date, is the date on which the transaction is booked to the account.

Subfield 3 Debit/Credit Mark, see description in the Codes section.

Subfield 4 Funds Code, is the 3rd character of the currency code, if needed.

Subfield 5 Amount, is the amount of the transaction.

Subfield 6 Transaction Type and Identification Code, see description in the Codes section.

Subfield 7 Reference for the Account Owner, is the reference of the message (SWIFT or any other) or document that resulted in this entry. This is a reference that the account owner can use to identify the reason for the entry. See further details in the Usage Rules section.

Subfield 8 Reference of the Account Servicing Institution, is the reference of the advice or instruction sent by the account servicing institution to the account owner. See further details in the Usage Rules section.

Subfield 9 Supplementary Details, see details in the Usage Rules section.


Subfield 3 Debit/Credit Mark must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): T51):

C Credit
D Debit


In subfield 6, Transaction Type must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): T53):

S SWIFT transfer For entries related to SWIFT transfer instructions and subsequent charge messages.
N Non-SWIFT transfer For entries related to payment and transfer instructions, including related charges messages, not sent through SWIFT or where an alpha description is preferred.
F First advice For entries being first advised by the statement (items originated by the account servicing institution).


In subfield 6, when Transaction Type is 'S', Identification Code will indicate the message type of the SWIFT message causing the entry (for debit entries) or the message type of the SWIFT message used to advise the account owner (for credit entries). It must be a number (format 3!n) in the range 100-999 (Error code(s): T18).


In subfield 6, when Transaction Type is 'N' or 'F', Identification Code may contain one of the following codes:

BRF Brokerage Fee
CHG Charges and Other Expenses
COM Commission
DIV Dividends-Warrants
EQA Equivalent Amount
INT Interest
MSC Miscellaneous
PCH Purchase
RTI Returned Item
SAL Sale
STO Standing Order
TRF Transfer
VDA Value Date Adjustment (used with an entry made to withdraw an incorrectly dated entry - it will be followed by the correct entry with the relevant code)


Subfield 1 ,Date, must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD (Error code(s): T50).

The SWIFT System validates subfield 2 ,Entry Date (Date in reduced ISO form), using current System Year (Error code(s): T50).

Subfield 4 ,Funds Code, must not be used in this message (Error code(s): C91).

The integer part of subfield 5, Amount, must contain at least one digit. The decimal comma ',' is mandatory and is included in the maximum length (Error code(s): T40,T43).

Subfield 5, Amount, must not contain more than six digits following the decimal comma (Error code(s): C89).


This field may be repeated within the constraints of the maximum input message length.

Subfield 2, Entry Date, is normally only used when different from the value date.

The following rules apply to subfield 7 ,Reference for the Account Owner:

The following rules apply to subfield 8 ,Reference of the Account Servicing Institution:

The following rules apply to subfield 9 ,Supplementary Details:


(1) :61:970527C3500,S604304955