While it may be the ultimate goal to have full identification for all bookings, this is currently not always practicable for bookings from non-SWIFT transactions. A four character code is provided, however, for classification according to the nature of such non-SWIFT transactions.
Each statement message carries an opening and a closing balance, as well as its sequence number in field 28 Statement Number/Page Number. The book entry itself is contained in a field 61 Statement Line. The last message in a multiple message statement is identified by the closing balance in field 62a Closing Balance showing the tag letter 'F'.
Since a SWIFT message is restricted to the maximum input message length, it is possible that several messages ('pages') may be needed to accommodate all the information. In these instances, each message should be identified as to its sequence in the total number.
To facilitate manual reconciliation, it is recommended that statement entries be sorted by debits and credits and these by value date in ascending amounts.