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MT 605 Examples


On 22 January 1991, Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt, buys 2000 fine ounces of gold in 9999 bars, loco London from Crédit Suisse, Zürich.

On 24 January 1991, Crédit Suisse, Zürich, requests the transfer of the gold from its gold account with Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, London, to the gold account of Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt, with Samuel Montagu & Co. Ltd., London.

(To review the MTs 600 and 604 related to this message, see the respective Example sections.)

On 22 January 1991, Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt, sends a Commodity Notice to Receive to Samuel Montagu & Co., Ltd., London, providing notification of the pending transfer of gold to its account.

Information Flow


SWIFT Message

Explanation Format
Message Type 605
Receiver SMCOGB2L
Message Text  
Transaction Reference Number :20:4534567
Commodity and Commodity Account :26C:/LONDON/UNALLGOLD9999
Value Date  (1)  :30:910124
Related Reference  (2)  :21:CRESZZ3605DEUTFF
Further Identification  (3)  :23:TRANSFER
Quantity of the Commodity :32F:FOZ2000,
Instructing Party  (4)  :82A:CRESCHZZ80A
Deliverer of the Commodity  (5)  :87A:MGTCGB2L
End of Message Text/Trailer

(1)  The date on which the Receiver is to receive the commodity.

(2)  The common reference of the related MT 600.

(3)  The code indicating that the commodity is to be transferred.

(4)  The financial institution instructing the deliverer of the commodity to transfer the commodity to the Receiver.

(5)  The financial institution which is to transfer the commodity to the Receiver in favour of the Sender.