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MT 601 Field Specifications

28. Field 22L: Reporting Jurisdiction


Option L 35x (Reporting Jurisdiction)


Mandatory in optional subsequence B1


This field specifies the supervisory party to which the trade needs to be reported.


One of the following codes may be used:

ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission (AU)
CAMBMSC Manitoba Securities Commission (CA-MB)
CAONOSC Ontario Securities Commission (CA-ON)
CAQCAMF Autorité des Marchés Financiers (CA-QC)
CFTC Commodities Futures Trading Commission (US)
ESMA European Securities and Markets Authority (EU)
FFMS Federal Financial Markets Service (RU)
HKMA Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HK)
JFSA Japanese Financial Services Agency (JP)
MAS Monetary Authority of Singapore (SG)
OTHR Other
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission (US)


If the code OTHR is used, the reporting jurisdiction should be identified in field 77A Additional Reporting Information.