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MT 559 Field Specifications

26. Field 72: Sender to Receiver Information


6*35x (Narrative)

In addition to narrative text, structured text with the following line formats may be used:

Line 1 /8c/[additional information] (Code)(Narrative)
Lines 2-6 [//continuation of additional information]
[/8c/[additional information]]




This field provides additional information about the claim in the sequence in which it occurs.


One or more of the following codes may be used in Code:

MSG579 MT 579 Where an MT 579 Certificate Numbers is needed to supplement the information in field 35E.
RETRO Retrocession A drawback of commission paid by a paying agent to a financial institution acting as a sub-paying agent but which has not been recognised by the issuer as a paying agent.


The structured format may be used for bilaterally agreed codes.

Codes must be between slashes and must appear at the beginning of a line.

Narrative text must not begin with a slash and, if used, must begin on a new line and be the last information in the field.

Additional explanatory information, which may be continued on the next lines, is preceded by a double slash '//'.

This field may include ERI, as specified in the chapter entitled "Euro-Related Information (ERI)" in the Standards MT General Information.