Option C | 6*35x | (Narrative) |
In addition to narrative text, the following line formats may be used:
Line 1 | /8a/[3!a13d][additional information] | (Code)(Currency)(Amount)(Narrative) |
Lines 2-6 | [//continuation of additional information] or [/8a/[3!a13d][additional information]] |
(Narrative) or (Code)(Currency)(Amount)(Narrative) |
This field provides an explanation of the charges passed on by the Sender.
Code may contain one or more of the following codes, followed, where relevant, by the currency and amount:
BROK | Brokerage |
CHGS | Charges |
COMM | Commission |
FEES | Fees |
MISC | Miscellaneous |
POST | Postage |
SHIN | Shipping including insurance |
STAMP | Stamp Duty |
TTAX | Transaction Tax |
VATX | Value-Added Tax |
WITX | Withholding Tax |
If Currency is present, the number of digits following the decimal comma in Amount will not be validated against the maximum allowed for the specified currency.
Any code used in this field must be between slashes and must appear at the beginning of a line.
Narrative text must not start with a slash and, if used, must begin on a new line and be the last information in the field.