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MT 256 Examples


On 10 December 2009, Thomas Cook, London informs Standard Bank of South Africa, Johannesburg that the following travellers cheques are dishonoured in the cheque truncation message it received from Standard Bank of South Africa (message reference 091201123456AA).

  TRN Cheque Number Amount Reason for dishonour
Cheque 1 0912010IJKL235693 EB33333333 GBP10, Stopped cheque
Cheque 2 091201ZZZZ123456AA GB66666666 GBP20, Invalid cheque number

Since Thomas Cook, London has already reimbursed Standard Bank of South Africa, it wants to have the funds recredited to its account held at Midland Bank, London (account number 123456), back-valuing the amount with the value date used on the original cheque truncation message (original value date 091207).

Information Flow


SWIFT Message, MT 256

Explanation Format
Sender COOKGB22
Message Type 256
Message Text
Sender's Reference :20:IPD/S0001/PAIDS
Related Message Reference :21:091201123456AA
Transaction Reference Number :44A:091201IJKL235693
Cheque Number :21D:EB33333333
Reason for Non-Payment/Dishonour :23E:STOP
Cheque Amount :32J:10,
Transaction Reference Number :44A:091201ZZZZ123456AA
Cheque Number :21D:GB66666666
Reason for Non-Payment/Dishonour :23E:INCH
Cheque Amount :32J:20,
Value Date, Currency Code and Total Amount Claimed :32A:091207GBP30,
Account With Institution :57A:MIDLGB22
Beneficiary Institution's Account :58B:/123456
End of Message Text/Trailer