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MT 256 Field Specifications

7. Field 23E: Reason for Non-Payment/Dishonour


Option E 4!c[/30x] (Code)(Narrative)


Mandatory in mandatory sequence B


This field indicates why a cheque was dishonoured.


Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): T47):

AMAM Amount exceeds limit Amount exceeds the amount limit allowed for this account.
AMTL Amount exceeds limit Amount exceeds the truncation limit as defined in the bilateral agreement (min. or max. amount).
CLOS Closed account The account specified is closed.
COLN Code line Error in code line.
DRAW Drawer Refer to drawer.
DUPL Duplicate Duplicate cheque information.
FRAU Fraudulent cheque Fraudulent cheque.
FROZ Frozen account (Legally) Frozen account.
FRWD Forward Forward dated cheque.
INCH Invalid cheque number The cheque number is invalid.
INSF Insufficient funds Insufficient funds.
INSI Insufficient information Insufficient information.
INVA Invalid Account number is invalid.
NELI Not Eligible Cheques not eligible for truncation.
NMAT Non-Match Currency and account do not match.
OTHR Other Other followed by a bilaterally agreed code to specify a reason which is not covered by the above.
REVO Revocation Revocation.
STLD Stale Stale cheque, that is, deposited too late relative to the issue date.
STOP Stop payment Stop payment of a cheque.


Narrative may only be used in combination with the code OTHR (Error code(s): D81).


The code OTHR may only be used when bilaterally agreed. When used, Narrative must also be present.