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MT 205 Field Specifications

6. Field 53a: Sender's Correspondent


Option A [/1!a][/34x]
(Party Identifier)
(Identifier Code)
Option B [/1!a][/34x]
(Party Identifier)
Option D [/1!a][/34x]
(Party Identifier)
(Name and Address)




This field specifies the account or branch of the Sender or another financial institution through which the Sender will reimburse the Receiver.


Identifier Code must be a registered financial institution BIC (Error code(s): T27,T28,T29,T45).

Identifier Code must be a financial institution BIC. This error code applies to all types of BICs referenced in a FIN message including SWIFT BICs, non-SWIFT BICs, Masters, Synonyms, Live destinations and Test & Training destinations (Error code(s): C05).


In those cases where there are multiple direct account relationships, in the currency of the transaction, between the Sender and the Receiver, and one of these accounts is to be used for reimbursement, the account to be credited or debited must be indicated in field 53a, using option B with the account number line only.

If there is no direct account relationship, in the currency of the transaction, between the Sender and the Receiver, then field 53a must be present.

A branch of the Receiver may appear in field 53a if the financial institution providing reimbursement is both the Sender's Correspondent and a branch of the Receiver, and the Sender intends to send a cover message to the branch of the Receiver. In this case, the Receiver will be paid by its branch in field 53a.

When there is a single direct account relationship, in the currency of the transaction, between the Sender and the Receiver, and this is the account to be used for reimbursement, field 53a must not be present.

When field 53B is used to specify a branch city name, it must always be a branch of the Sender.

The use and interpretation of field 53a is, in all cases, dictated by the currency of the transaction and the correspondent relationship between the Sender and Receiver relative to that currency.