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MT 203 Examples


Value 28 May 2009, UBS, Zürich requests ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, to transfer euro 5,000,000 as follows:

ING Bank NV, Amsterdam
in favour of Morgan Guaranty Trust Co., New York
EUR 500,000
SNS Bank Nederland NV, Amsterdam
in favour of Mellon Bank, London
EUR 1,500,000
Citibank, Amsterdam
in favour of Citibank, New York
EUR 1,000,000
Dresdner Bank AG, Frankfurt EUR 2,000,000

Information Flow


SWIFT Message

Explanation Format
Message type 203
Receiver ABNANL2A
Message text
Sum of amounts in the message :19:5000000,
Value date :30:090528
Transaction reference number (1)  (1)  :20:2345
Related reference :21:789022
Currency code and amount :32B:EUR500000,
Account with institution :57A:INGBNL2A
Beneficiary institution :58A:MGTCUS33
Transaction reference number (2)  (1)  :20:2346
Related reference :21:ABX2270
Currency code and amount :32B:EUR1500000,
Account with institution :57A:BBSPNL2A
Beneficiary institution :58A:MELNGB2X
Transaction reference number (3)  (1)  :20:2347
Related reference :21:CO 2750/26
Currency code and amount :32B:EUR1000000,
Account with institution :57A:CITINL2X
Beneficiary institution :58A:CITIUS33
Transaction reference number (4)  (1)  :20:2348
Related reference :21:DRESFF2344BKAUWW
Currency code and amount :32B:EUR2000000,
Beneficiary institution :58A:DRESDEFF
End of message text/trailer

(1)  There are 4 transfer orders within the message