Value 25 May 2009 UBS, Zürich requests ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, to transfer euro 1,000,000 to its account at ING Bank, Amsterdam.
The reference for this transaction is 23/200516DEV.
Information Flow
SWIFT Message
Explanation | Format |
Sender | UBSWCHZH80A |
Message type | 200 |
Receiver | ABNANL2A |
Message text | |
Transaction reference number | 20:23/200516DEV |
Value date/currency code/amount | 32A:090525EUR1000000, |
Account with institution (1) | 57A:INGBNL2A |
End of message text/trailer |
(1) The Sender's account at the account with institution is to be credited with the funds.
Value 25 May 2009, Bank Austria, Vienna, requests Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, to transfer US Dollars 1,000,000 to its account at Citibank N.A., Miami, through Citibank N.A., New York.
Bank Austria requests Chase to debit account 34554-3049 for this transfer, using reference 39857579.
Information Flow
SWIFT Message
Explanation | Format |
Sender | BKAUATWW |
Message type | 200 |
Receiver | CHASUS33 |
Message text | |
Transaction reference number | :20:39857579 |
Value date/currency code/amount | :32A:090525USD1000000, |
Sender's correspondent (1) | :53B:/34554-3049 |
Intermediary | :56A:CITIUS33 |
Account with institution (2) | :57A:CITIUS33MIA |
End of message text/trailer |
(1) The Sender's account which is to be debited at Chase Manhattan Bank, New York.
(2) The Sender's account at the account with institution which is to be credited with the funds in the transfer.