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MT 112 Field Specifications

7. Field 76: Answers


6*35x (Narrative)

In addition to narrative text, the following line formats may be used:

Line 1 /2n/[supplement 1][supplement 2] (Answer Number)(Narrative)(Narrative)
Lines 2-6 [//continuation of supplementary information]
/2n/[supplement 1][supplement 2]
(Answer Number)(Narrative)(Narrative)




This field must include information as to whether or not the stop payment has been effected. In addition, a response should be given to any request for reimbursement authorisation.


For frequently used answer texts, the following predefined Answer Numbers may be used:

2 We hereby confirm that the transaction has been effected and advised on (1) ... (YYMMDD). in response to Query 3 or 20
10 We authorise you to debit our account. in response to Query 18
11 Cover refunded to the credit of (1) ... (account/place). in response to Query 19
12 Stop instructions are not acceptable. (Reason)  
13 Stop instructions duly recorded. (Further details, where applicable) in response to Query 21
14 Stop instructions valid until (1) ... (YYMMDD).  


Where a message contains more than one answer, each answer must appear on a separate line.

Numbers in brackets, for example, (1), mean that supplementary information is required. This supplementary information must be the first information following the code number.

When supplement 2 is used, that is, two different pieces of supplementary information are provided, it must be preceded by a slash "/".