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MT 104 Field Specifications

25. Field 70: Remittance Information


4*35x (Narrative)


Optional in mandatory sequence B


This field specifies details of the individual direct debit which are to be transmitted to the debtor.


One of the following codes may be used, placed between slashes ('/'):

INV Invoice Invoice (followed by the date, reference and details of the invoice).
IPI International Payment Instruction Unique reference identifying a related International Payment Instruction (followed by up to 20 characters).
RFB Reference for debtor Reference for the debtor (followed by up to 16 characters).
ROC Reference of Customer Ordering customer's reference.


For clearing purposes, the Sender must check with the Receiver regarding length restrictions of field 70.

The information specified in this field is intended only for the debtor, that is, this information only needs to be conveyed by the Receiver.

Multiple references can be used, if separated with a double slash, '//'. Code must not be repeated between two references of the same kind.