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MT 104 Network Validated Rules


If field 23E is present in sequence A and contains RFDD then field 23E must be present in all occurrences of sequence B. If field 23E is present in sequence A and does not contain RFDD then field 23E must not be present in any occurrence of sequence B. If field 23E is not present in sequence A then field 23E must be present in all occurrences of sequence B (Error code(s): C75):

Sequence A
if field 23E is ...
Sequence B
then field 23E is ...
Present and equal to RFDD Mandatory in all occurrences
Present and not equal to RFDD Not allowed
Not present Mandatory in all occurrences


Field 50a (option A or K), must be present in either sequence A (index 8) or in each occurrence of sequence B (index 21), but must never be present in both sequences, nor be absent from both sequences (Error code(s): C76).

Sequence A
if field 50a (option A or K) is ...
In every occurrence of sequence B
then field 50a (option A or K) is ...
Present Not allowed
Not present Mandatory in all occurrences


When present in sequence A, fields 21E, 26T, 52a, 71A, 77B and 50a (option C or L) must, independently of each other, not be present in any occurrence of sequence B. When present in one or more occurrences of sequence B, fields 21E, 26T, 52a, 71A, 77B and 50a (option C or L) must not be present in sequence A (Error code(s): D73).

Sequence A
if field 26T is ...
Sequence B
then field 26T is ...
Present Not allowed
Not present Optional

Sequence A
if field 77B is ...
Sequence B
then field 77B is ...
Present Not allowed
Not present Optional

Sequence A
if field 71A is ...
Sequence B
then field 71A is ...
Present Not allowed
Not present Optional

Sequence A
if field 52a is ...
Sequence B
then field 52a is ...
Present Not allowed
Not present Optional

Sequence A
if field 21E is ...
Sequence B
then field 21E is ...
Present Not allowed
Not present Optional

Sequence A
if field 50a (option C or L) is ...
Sequence B
then field 50a (option C or L) is ...
Present Not allowed
Not present Optional


If field 21E is present in sequence A, then the second occurrence of field 50a (option A or K), must also be present in sequence A. In each occurrence of sequence B, if field 21E is present, then the second occurrence of field 50a (option A or K), must also be present in the same occurrence (Error code(s): D77):

Sequence A
if field 21E is ...
Sequence A
then field 50a (option A or K) is ...
Present Mandatory
Not present Optional (See C2)

Sequence B
if field 21E is ...
Sequence B
then field 50a (option A or K) is ...
Present Mandatory
Not present Optional (See C2, C12)


In sequence A, if field 23E is present and contains RTND then field 72 must be present, in all other cases - that is field 23E not present, or field 23E does not contain RTND - field 72 is not allowed (Error code(s): C82):

Sequence A
if field 23E is ...
Sequence A
then field 72 is ...
Present and equal to RTND Mandatory
Present and not equal to RTND Not allowed
Not present Not allowed


If field 71F is present in one or more occurrence of sequence B, then it must also be present in sequence C, and vice-versa (Error code(s): D79).

If field 71G is present in one or more occurrence of sequence B, then it must also be present in sequence C, and vice-versa (Error code(s): D79).

Sequence B
if field 71F is ...
Sequence C
then field 71F is ...
Present Mandatory
Not present Not allowed

Sequence B
if field 71G is ...
Sequence C
then field 71G is ...
Present Mandatory
Not present Not allowed


In each occurrence of sequence B, if field 33B is present then the currency code or the amount, or both, must be different between fields 33B and 32B (Error code(s): D21).


Valid Invalid


In any occurrence of sequence B, if field 33B is present and the currency codes in fields 32B and 33B are different, then field 36 must be present. Otherwise, field 36 must not be present (Error code(s): D75).


If sequence C is present and if the amount in field 32B of sequence C is equal to the sum of the amounts of the fields 32B of sequence B, then field 19 must not be present. Otherwise field 19 must be present (Error code(s): D80).


If field 19 is present in sequence C then it must be equal to the sum of the amounts in all occurrences of field 32B in sequence B (Error code(s): C01).


The currency code in fields 32B and 71G in sequences B and C must be the same for all occurrences of these fields in the message (Error code(s): C02).

The currency code in the charges fields 71F (in sequences B and C) must be the same for all occurrences of these fields in the message (Error code(s): C02).


In sequence A, if field 23E is present and contains RFDD, then:

Otherwise, that is, in sequence A field 23E does not contain RFDD or field 23E is not present:

(Error code(s): C96)

Sequence A
if field 23E is ...
Sequence A
then field 21R is ...
Sequence B and fields 21E, 50a (option A or K), 52a, 71F and 71G are ... And sequence C is ...
Present and equal to RFDD Optional Not allowed Not allowed
Present and not equal to RFDD Not allowed Optional Mandatory
Not present Not allowed Optional Mandatory


If field 23E in sequence A is present and contains RFDD, then field 119 of User Header must be present and contain RFDD. If field 23E in sequence A is not present or does not contain RFDD, then field 119 of User Header must not be present (Error code(s): C94).

Sequence A
if field 23E is ...
User Header
then field 119 is ...
Present and equal to RFDD Mandatory and must contain RFDD
Present and not equal to RFDD Not allowed
Not present Not allowed