Biodata G.m.b.H. orders UBS, Zürich, to pay euro 1,958.47 to ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, for the account of H.F. Janssen.
Information Flow
SWIFT Message
Explanation | Format |
Sender | UBSWCHZH80A |
Message type | 103 STP |
Receiver | ABNANL2A |
Message text | |
Sender's reference | :20:494931/DEV |
Bank operation code | :23B:CRED |
Value date/currency/interbank settled amount | :32A:090828EUR1958,47 |
Currency/Instructed Amount | :33B:EUR1958,47 |
Ordering customer | :50K:/122267890 |
Beneficiary customer | :59:/NL76502664959 |
Details of charges | :71A:SHA |
End of message text/trailer |
Note: | No reimbursement party has been indicated in the above message. The direct account relationship, in the currency of the transfer, between the Sender and the Receiver will be used. |
Biodata G.m.b.H. orders UBS, Zürich, to pay euro 1,958.47 to ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, for the account of H.F. Janssen, in payment of invoice number 18042 dated 15 July 2009.
As there is more than one account relationship in the currency of the transfer between the Sender and Receiver, UBS, Zürich specifies that account number 21 94 29 055 should be used for reimbursement.
UBS, Zürich, knows that ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, will charge euro 2.50 to execute this transaction.
Information Flow
SWIFT Message
Explanation | Format |
Sender | UBSWCHZH80A |
Message type | 103 STP |
Receiver | ABNANL2A |
Message text | |
Sender's reference | :20:494932/DEV |
Bank operation code | :23B:CRED |
Value date/currency/interbank settled amount | :32A:090828EUR1960,97 |
Currency/Instructed amount | :33B:EUR1958,47 |
Ordering customer | :50K:/122267890 |
Sender's correspondent (1) | :53B:/219429055 |
Beneficiary customer | :59:/NL76502664959 |
Remittance information (2) | :70:/INV/18042-090715 |
Details of charges | :71A:OUR |
Receiver's charges | :71G:EUR2,50 |
End of message text/trailer |
(1) Field 53B indicates the account number of the Sender's account, serviced by the Receiver, which is to be used for reimbursement in the transfer.
(2) As the Reference for the beneficiary is an invoice number, the code /INV/ is used, followed by the invoice number.
Franz Holzapfel G.m.b.H. orders Bank Austria, Eisenstadt, to pay, value 28 August 2009, US Dollars 850 into C. Won's account number 729615-941 with Oversea-Chinese Banking Cooperation, Singapore. The payment is for July 2009 expenses.
Bank Austria, Eisenstadt, asks its head office in Vienna, to make the payment. Both Bank Austria, Vienna, and Oversea-Chinese Banking Cooperation, Singapore, have their US dollars account at Citibank's New York office.
Both customers agree to share the charges. Citibank charges US Dollars 10.
Information Flow
First SWIFT Message, MT 103 STP
Explanation | Format |
Sender | BKAUATWW |
Message type | 103 STP |
Receiver | CITIUS33 |
Message text | |
Sender's reference | :20:494938/DEV |
Bank operation code | :23B:CRED |
Value date/currency/interbank settled amount | :32A:090828USD850, |
Ordering customer | :50F:/942267890 |
Ordering institution | :52A:BKAUATWWEIS |
Account with institution | :57A:OCBCSGSG |
Beneficiary customer |
Remittance information | :70:/RFB/EXPENSES 7/2009 |
Details of charges | :71A:SHA |
End of message text/trailer |
The following illustrates the mapping of the first MT 103 STP onto the next MT 103 STP:
Second SWIFT Message, MT 103 STP
Explanation | Format |
Sender | CITIUS33 |
Message type | 103 STP |
Receiver | OCBCSGSG |
Message text | |
Sender's reference | :20:494938/DEV |
Bank operation code | :23B:CRED |
Value date/currency/interbank settled amount | :32A:090828USD840, |
Currency/Instructed amount | :33B:USD850, |
Ordering customer | :50F:/942267890 |
Ordering institution | :52A:BKAUATWWEIS |
Beneficiary customer |
Remittance information | :70:/RFB/EXPENSES 7/2009 |
Details of charges | :71A:SHA |
Sender's charges | :71F:USD10, |
Sender to receiver information | :72:/INS/BKAUATWW |
End of message text/trailer |
Value August 28, 2009, Franz Holzapfel G.m.b.H. orders Bank Austria, Vienna, to pay US Dollars 1,121.50 to C. Klein, Bloemengracht 15, Amsterdam, whose account number 72 34 91 524 is with ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam.
Bank Austria uses reference 394882.
This transfer may be sent via SWIFT using one of the following methods:
Sent to the party closest to the beneficiary, through several reimbursement institutions
Sent to the next party in the transfer.
Note: | The alternative selected is dependent on correspondent relationships and financial practice in the countries involved. |
Bank Austria sends the following messages:
A customer transfer to ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam.
A cover message for the US dollar payment, which is provided through Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, to ABN Amro Bank, New York.
Information Flow
SWIFT Message, MT 103 STP
Explanation | Format |
Sender | BKAUATWW |
Message type | 103 STP |
Receiver | ABNANL2A |
Message text | |
Sender's reference | :20:394882 |
Bank operation code | :23B:CRED |
Value date/currency/interbank settled amount | :32A:090828USD1121,50 |
Currency/Instructed amount | :33B:USD1121,50 |
Ordering customer | :50F:/942267890 |
Sender's correspondent (1) | :53A:CHASUS33 |
Receiver's correspondent (2) | :54A:ABNAUS33 |
Beneficiary customer |
Details of charges | :71A:SHA |
End of message text/trailer |
(1) Field 53A indicates the institution which is to provide the funds to the Receiver on behalf of the Sender.
(2) Field 54A is the receiver's correspondent - the institution which will receive the funds on behalf of the Receiver.
Information Flow
SWIFT Message, MT 202 COV
Explanation | Format |
Sender | BKAUATWW |
Message type | 202 |
Receiver | CHASUS33 |
Validation flag | 119:COV |
Message Text: General Information | |
Transaction reference number | :20:203998988 |
Related reference (1) | :21:394882 |
Value date/currency code/amount | :32A:090828USD1121,50 |
Account with institution | :57A:ABNAUS33 |
Beneficiary institution | :58A:ABNANL2A |
Underlying Customer Credit Transfer Details | |
Ordering customer | :50F:/942267890 |
Beneficiary customer |
Currency/Instructed amount | :33B:USD1121,50 |
End of message text/trailer |
(1) The related reference is the Sender's reference of the Single Customer Credit Transfer.
Information Flow
SWIFT Message, MT 103 STP
Explanation | Format |
Sender | BKAUATWW |
Message type | 103 STP |
Receiver | CHASUS33 |
Message text | |
Sender's reference | :20:394882 |
Bank operation code | :23B:CRED |
Value date/currency/interbank settled amount | :32A:090828USD1121,50 |
Ordering customer | :50F:/942267890 |
Intermediary institution (1) | :56A:ABNAUS33 |
Account with institution (2) | :57A:ABNANL2A |
Beneficiary customer |
Details of charges | :71A:SHA |
End of message text/trailer |
(1) The intermediary institution, ABN Amro Bank, New York, will receive the funds from the Receiver of this message, Chase Manhattan Bank, New York.
(2) ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, will receive the funds from the intermediary institution, its New York office, for credit to the beneficiary's account.
Information Flow
SWIFT Message, MT 103 STP
Explanation | Format |
Sender | CHASUS33 |
Message type | 103 STP |
Receiver | ABNAUS33 |
Message text | |
Sender's reference | :20:52285724 |
Bank operation code | :23B:CRED |
Value date/currency/interbank settled amount | :32A:090828USD1111,50 |
Currency/Instructed amount | :33B:USD1121,50 |
Ordering customer | :50F:/942267890 |
Ordering institution (1) | :52A:BKAUATWW |
Account with institution (2) | :57A:ABNANL2A |
Beneficiary customer |
Details of charges | :71A:SHA |
Sender's charges | :71F:USD10, |
End of message text/trailer |
(1) The Sender of the initial MT 103 STP is Bank Austria, Vienna, which is the ordering institution in all subsequent messages.
(2) ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam, will receive the funds from the Receiver of this message, its New York office, for credit to the beneficiary's account.
Information Flow
SWIFT Message, MT 103 STP
Explanation | Format |
Sender | ABNAUS33 |
Message type | 103 STP |
Receiver | ABNANL2A |
Message text | |
Sender's reference | :20:5387354 |
Bank operation code | :23B:CRED |
Value date/currency/interbank settled amount | :32A:090828USD1101,50 |
Currency/Instructed amount | :33B:USD1121,50 |
Ordering customer | :50F:/942267890 |
Ordering institution (1) | :52A:BKAUATWW |
Beneficiary customer |
Details of charges | :71A:SHA |
Sender's charges | :71F:USD10, |
Sender's charges | :71F:USD10, |
Sender to receiver information | :72:/INS/CHASUS33 |
End of message text/trailer |
(1) The Sender of the initial MT 103 STP is Bank Austria, Vienna, which is the ordering institution in all subsequent messages.
Consortia Pension Scheme, a corporate in Zürich requests its bank (BNKACHZZ) to execute a pension payment in Swiss Francs. The beneficiary has his account, 429-5470572-63, with the Belgian correspondent of BNKACHZZ.
Information Flow
SWIFT Message, MT 103 STP
Explanation | Format |
Sender | BNKACHZZ |
Message type | 103 STP |
Receiver | BNKBBEBB |
Message text | |
Sender's reference | :20:5362/MPB |
Bank operation code | :23B:CRED |
Value date/currency/interbank settled amount | :32A:090828EUR1244,47 |
Currency/Instructed amount | :33B:CHF2000, |
Exchange rate | :36:0,619735 |
Ordering customer | :50K:/12345789549 |
Beneficiary customer | :59:/BE68001161685134 |
Details of charges | :71A:OUR |
Receiver's charges | :71G:EUR5, |
End of message text/trailer |
In the statement message sent by BNKBBEBB to its Swiss correspondent, the settlement amount as specified in field 32A and the Sender's reference specified in field 20 will be quoted in the appropriate statement line. For the example given this would result in the following MT 950:
SWIFT Message, MT 950
Explanation | Format |
Sender | BNKBBEBB |
Message type | 950 |
Receiver | BNKACHZZ |
Message text | |
Transaction reference number | :20:112734 |
Account identification | :25:415370412218 |
Statement number | :28C:102/1 |
Opening balance | :60F:C090827EUR100000, |
Statement line | :61:090828D1244,47S1035362/MPB//1234T |
Closing balance | :62F:C090828EUR98755,53 |
End of message text/trailer |
In the following examples both the Sender and the Receiver agreed to exchange payment messages under a SWIFT Service Level.
The message available for this group of users has the following layout for both the Standard and SWIFTPay Service Level:
The message available for this group has the following layout for the Priority Service Level:
Value August 28, 2009, Franz Holzapfel G.m.b.H. orders Bank Austria, Vienna, to pay US Dollars 1,121.50 to C. Klein, Bloemengracht 15, Amsterdam, whose account number 72 34 91 524 is with ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam.
Bank Austria uses reference 394882.
In this example, the MT 103 STP will be sent to the party closest to the beneficiary, through several reimbursement institutions. It would also be possible to send the MT 103 STP to the next party in the transfer.
Note: | The alternative selected is dependent on correspondent relationships and financial practice in the countries involved. |
Bank Austria sends the following messages:
A customer transfer to ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam.
A cover message for the US dollar payment, which is provided through Chase Manhattan Bank, New York, to ABN Amro Bank, New York.
BKAUATWW agreed on the Standard Service Level, as did its Dutch correspondent ABNANL2A.
Information Flow
SWIFT Message, MT 103 STP
Explanation | Format |
Sender | BKAUATWW |
Message type | 103 STP |
Receiver | ABNANL2A |
Message text | |
Sender's reference | :20:394882 |
Bank operation code | :23B:SSTD |
Value date/currency/interbank settled amount | :32A:090828USD1121,50 |
Currency/Instructed amount | :33B:USD1121,50 |
Ordering customer | :50F:/942267890 |
Sender's correspondent (1) | :53A:CHASUS33 |
Receiver's correspondent (2) | :54A:ABNAUS33 |
Beneficiary customer |
Details of charges | :71A:SHA |
End of message text/trailer |
(1) Field 53A indicates the institution which is to provide the funds to the Receiver on behalf of the Sender.
(2) Field 54A is the receiver's correspondent - the institution which will receive the funds on behalf of the Receiver.