6*35x | (Narrative Structured Format) |
The following line formats must be used:
Line 1 | /8c/[additional information] | (Code)(Narrative) |
Lines 2-6 | [//continuation of additional information] or [/8c/[additional information]] |
(Narrative) or (Code)(Narrative) |
Optional in mandatory sequence C
This field specifies additional information for the Receiver.
If the first six characters in line 1 contain the character string /REJT/ or /RETN/, then it is mandatory to follow the Payments Reject/Return Guidelines described in the Standards MT Usage Guidelines (Error code(s): T80).
This field may be used to provide additional information to the Receiver where no other field is available. In view of the possible delay of execution and/or rejection of the transaction(s), field 72 may only be used after bilateral agreement between the Sender and the Receiver and in encoded form.