MT 565 Field Specifications

37. Field 22a: Indicator


Option F :4!c/[8c]/4!c (Qualifier) (Data Source Scheme) (Indicator)
Option H :4!c//4!c (Qualifier) (Indicator)




(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 M CAOP N   F, H Corporate Action Option Code
2 O DISF N   F Disposition of Fractions
3 O CHAN R   F Change Type


This qualified generic field specifies:

CAOP Corporate Action Option Code CA option selected by the account owner.
DISF Disposition of Fractions How fractions resulting from derived securities will be processed.
CHAN Change Type Type of change announced.


If Qualifier is DISF and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

BUYU Buy Up Buy up to next whole number.
CINL Fractional Part for cash Take cash in lieu of fractions.
DIST Distributed Take distribution of fractions.
EXPI Expire Let fractions expire worthless.


If Qualifier is CAOP and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

ABST Abstain Vote expressed as abstain. In this case, the issuing company will add the number of shares to the quorum of the meeting. If the voting right is not executed, it will not be added to the quorum. In this case, code NOAC should be used.
AMGT Vote Against Management Vote against management.
ATCH Attach Combine warrants and bonds or warrants and stock to form unit.
BEAR Bearer Share Exchange Exchange from registered shares into bearer shares.
BSPL Bonus Share Plan Receive shares issued from the Share Premium Reserve of the company and considered as a capital distribution rather than a disbursement of income, with different tax implications (typically found in Australia).
BUYA Buy Up Buy additional securities to round up position.
CASE Cash and Securities Election choice includes a combination of both cash and securities.
CASH Cash Distribution of cash.
CEXC Consent and Exchange Vote to consent to change the terms of the securities agreement and to exchange securities.
CTEN Consent and Tender Vote to consent to change the terms of the securities agreement and to tender securities for cash.
CEXC Consent and Exchange A Consent and Exchange are Exchange Offers that are linked with a vote on the change to the terms of the indenture. The consent part will have a separate expiration from the purchase or exchange offer. A separate consent fee may be paid to consenting holders. There also may be a record date associated with the consent-limiting holders that may participate.
CTEN Consent and Tender A Consent and Tender are Tender Offers that are linked with a vote on the change to the terms of the indenture. The consent part will have a separate expiration from the purchase or exchange offer. A separate consent fee may be paid to consenting holders. There also may be a record date associated with the consent-limiting holders that may participate.
CONN Consent Denied Event or proposal not approved.
CONV Convert Convert underlying securities into other securities, not cash.
CONV Convert Convert underlying securities.
CONY Consent Granted Event or proposal approved.
DETH Detach Separate units into individual securities - warrants and bonds, warrants and equity.
EXER Exercise Exercise intermediate securities or warrants.
DRIP Reinvestment Reinvestment proceeds into securities.
EDVO Enhanced Dividend Option Option to receive securities that are sold back to the issuing company.
EXER Exercise
  1. Exercise rights and subscribe to new shares;

  2. Exercise warrant.

IBBO Issuer Buy Back Option The issuer buys back the rights(or other form of entitlement),, as opposed to selling them on the market.
LAPS Lapse Allow event or entitled security to expire. offer or privilege to lapse.
MNGT Vote With Management Vote with management.
MPUT Mandatory Put with a Right to Retain An option to execute a feature of indenture that allows a holder to elect to retain a putable bond.
NOAC No Action Option for the account owner not to take part in the event.
NOAC No Action Account servicer should take no action on behalf of the account owner.
OFFR Proposed Rate In a remarketing of variable notes, the margin that shareholders can propose in respect of the next interest period.
OTHR Other A generic corporate action option, to be used in case no other specific code is appropriate.
OVER Oversubscribe Subscribe to more new shares than underlying securities position allows when allowed.
PROX Proxy Card Issue a proxy card in case of voting.
PUTT Putt Securities Sell or redeem securities with the Issuing Company.
REGD Registered Share Exchange Exchange from bearer shares into registered shares.
REGS Regulation S Exchange Exchange of securities into the Regulation S tranche. Will typically be used in the 'restricted period', i.e. the period when a party can change its holdings between 144A and REGS.
SECU Securities Option Benefit is to receive securities.
REGS Regulation S Exchange of securities into Regulation S tranche. Regulation S clarifies the conditions under which offers and sales of securities made outside the US are exempt from SEC registration requirements.
SECU Securities Option Distribution of securities.
SLLE Sell Entitlement Sell the intermediate securities. rights or entitlement.
SPLI Split Instruction Option to give a split instruction, eg, a split voting instruction on a meeting.
TAXI Tax Instruction Tax instruction.
144A Rule 144A Exchange of securities into the 144A tranche. Will typically be used in the 'restricted period', i.e. the period when a party can change its holdings between 144A and REGS.
144A Rule 144A Exchange of securities into the 144A tranche. Rule 144A permits Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIB's) to trade privately placed securities without the requirement of holding them for two to three years.
MKDW MarkDown Mark Down the global certificate as a result of a corporate action (instruction from ICSDs to common depositories who are holding the global certificate on behalf of the ICSDs.
MKUP MarkUp Mark up the global certificate as a result of a corporate action (instruction from ICSDs to common depositories who are holding the global certificate on behalf of the ICSDs).


If Qualifier is CHAN and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

NAME Name The issuing company changes its name. Event shows the change from old name to new name and may involve surrendering physical shares with the old name to the registrar.
CERT Certificates Change of all instruments into certificates.
TERM Terms Change in the terms of the security.
BERE Bearer to Registered Change from bearer into registered form.
REBE Registered to Bearer Change from registered into bearer form.
PHDE Physical to Dematerialised Change from physical into dematerialised form.
DEPH Dematerialised to Physical Change from dematerialised into physical form.
GTGP Global Temporary to Global Permanent Change from global temporary to global permanent form.
GTPH Global Temporary to Physical Change from global temporary to physical form.
GPPH Global Permanent to Physical Change from global permanent to physical form.


If for an exercise of warrants or an exercise of rights, the proceeds are known, the more precise codes like CASH, SECU, CASE or NOAC should be used. If the proceeds are at issuer choice, ie, the proceeds are not known upfront, EXER should be used.

If for a conversion event, the proceeds are known, the more precise codes like CASH, SECU, CASE or NOAC should be used. If the proceeds are at issuer choice, ie, the proceeds are not known upfront, CONV should be used.

If the Corporate Action option code TAXI is used, then sequence C should be present.

Option code EDVO should be used for fully paid securities and IBBO for rights or other form of entitlement such as coupon, bonus rigths,...