MT 565 Field Specifications

16. Field 22F: Indicator: Method of Interest Computation Indicator


Option F :4!c/[8c]/4!c (Qualifier) (Data Source Scheme) (Indicator)




(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 O MICO N   F Method of Interest Computation Indicator


This qualified generic field specifies:

MICO Method of Interest Computation Indicator Computation method to calculate the interest of the related financial instrument.


If Qualifier is MICO and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

A001 30/360. Method whereby interest is calculated based on a 30-day month and a 360-day year. If the accrual period ends on a 31st, do not change the date unless the period started on a 30th or 31st, in which case change the end date to 30th. In addition, if the accrual period ends on the last day of February, the month of February should not be extended to a 30 day month.
A002 30/365. Method whereby interest is calculated based on a 30-day month and a 365-day year.
A003 30/Actual. Method whereby interest is calculated based on a 30-day month and the assumed number of days in a year, i.e. the actual number of days in the accrual period multiplied by the number of interest payments in the year. Eg, a semi-annual bond (one paying two coupons per year) can display a period between coupons of 181 to 184 days. In this case, the number of days in a year will be 362 to 368 days.
A004 Actual/360. Method whereby interest is calculated based on the actual number of accrued days and a 360-day year.
A005 Actual/365. Method whereby interest is calculated based on the actual number of accrued days and a 365-day year.
A006 Actual/Actual (ISMA). Method whereby interest is calculated based on the actual number of accrued days and the assumed number of days in a year, i.e. the actual number of days in the accrual period multiplied by the number of interest payments in the year.
A007 30E/360 or Eurobond basis. Method whereby interest is calculated based on a 30-day month (no exceptions, i.e. February should always be extended to a 30-day month) and a 360-day year.
A008 Actual/Actual (ISDA). Method whereby interest is calculated based on the actual number of accrued days (falling on a normal year) divided by 365, added to the actual number of days (falling on a leap year) divided by 366.
A009 Actual/Actual (basic rule). Method whereby interest is calculated based on the actual number of accrued days and a 365-day year (if payment date is NOT in a leap year) or a 366-day year (if payment date is in a leap year).
A010 Actual/Actual (AFB). Method whereby interest is calculated based on the actual number of accrued days and a 366-day year (if 29 Feb falls in the accrual period) or a 365-day year (if 29 Feb does not fall in the accrual period).
OTHR Other method than A001-A010. See Narrative.
A001 30/360
A002 30/365
A003 30/Actual
A004 Actual/360
A005 Actual/365
A006 Actual/Actual or 1/1
A007 30E/360 or Eurobond basis
A008 Actual/M.
A009 Actual/365L.