MT 564 Field Specifications

80. Field 92a: Rate


Option A :4!c//[N]15d (Qualifier) (Sign) (Rate)
Option B :4!c//3!a/3!a/15d (Qualifier) (First Currency Code) (Second Currency Code) (Rate)
Option D :4!c//15d/15d (Qualifier) (Quantity) (Quantity)
Option E :4!c//4!c/[N]15d[/4!c] (Qualifier) (Rate Type Code) (Sign) (Rate) (Rate Status)
Option F :4!c//3!a15d (Qualifier) (Currency Code) (Amount)
Option J :4!c//4!c/3!a15d (Qualifier) (Rate Type Code) (Currency Code) (Amount)
Option K :4!c//4!c (Qualifier) (Rate Type Code)




(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 O ADEX N   D, K Additional for Existing Securities
2 O NEWO N   D, K New to Old
3 O EXCH N   A, B, K Exchange Rate
4 O RDIS N   A, K Reinvestment Discount Rate to Market
5 O ADSR N   D, K Additional for Subscribed Resultant Securities
6 O NWRT N   D, K New Securities to Underlying Shares to Rights
7 O NETT R C8, C9 A, E, F, J, K Net Dividend Rate
8 O GRSS R C6, C8, C9 C8 A, E, F, J, K Gross Dividend Rate
9 O TAXC R C8, C9 A, E, F, J, K Tax Credit Rate
10 O TAXE R C9 J Tax Related Rate
11 10 O NRES N   A, F, K Non-Resident Rate
12 11 O TAXR N   A, K Withholding Tax Rate
12 O OSUB N   A, F, K Over-subscription Rate
13 O LADT N   A, F, K Local Tax (DE specific 1)
14 O LIDT N   A, F, K Local Tax (DE specific 2)
15 O LOTE N   A, F, K Local Tax (DE specific 3)
16 O LYDT N   A, F, K Local Tax (DE specific 4)
17 O WITF N   A, F, K Withholding of Foreign Tax
18 O WITL N   A, F, K Withholding of Local Tax
19 O CHAR N   A, F, K Charges/Fees
20 O FLFR N   A, F, K Fully Franked Rate
21 O INTR N   A, F, K Interest Rate
22 O ATAX N   A, F, K Additional Tax
23 O RATE N   A, K Applicable rate
23 O INDF N   A, F, K Indemnity on fractions Rate
24 O OFFR N   A, K Proposed Rate
24 25 O FDIV N   F, K Final Dividend Rate
26 O FMRD N   A, K Face Amount Reduction Rate
25 27 O INCE N   A, K Cash Incentive Rate
26 28 O PDIV N   F, K Provisional Dividend Rate
27 29 O SOFE N   A, K Solicitation Fee Rate
28 30 O TXIN N   A, K Tax on Income
29 31 O TXPR N   A, K Tax on Profits
30 O TXRC N   A, K Reclaim of Taxes Rate
31 32 O PROR N   A, K Pro-Ration Rate
32 33 O PTSC N   A, K Percentage of Total Share Capital Sought
33 34 O FISC N   A, K Fiscal Stamp


This qualified generic field specifies:

ADEX Additional for Existing Securities Quantity of additional securities for a given quantity of underlying securities where underlying securities are not exchanged or debited, eg, 1 for 1: 1 new share credited for every 1 underlying share = 2 resulting shares.
ADSR Additional for Subscribed Resultant Securities Quantity of additional rights/new shares awarded for a given quantity of securities derived from subscription.
ATAX Additional Tax Additional taxes which can not be defined by one of the other qualifiers.
CHAR Charges/Fees Amount of money or rate paid for the provision of financial services that cannot be categorised by another qualifier.
CHAR Charges/Fees Charges/fees applied to the transaction.
EXCH Exchange Rate Currency exchange rate applicable for the CA event.
FLFR Fully Franked Rate Rate resulting from a fully franked dividend paid by Australian company; rate includes tax credit for companies that have made sufficient tax payments during the fiscal period.
FDIV Final Dividend Rate The dividend is known as Final.
FISC Fiscal Stamp Percentage of fiscal tax to apply.
FMRD Face Amount Reduction Rate The reduction rate in case of a nominal value reduction (the face value of the financial instrument changes).
GRSS Gross Dividend Rate Cash dividend amount per share before deductions or allowances have been made.
INCE Cash Incentive Rate Rate of the cash premium made available if the securities holder consents or participates to an event, e.g. consent fees.
INTR Interest Rate Annual rate of a financial instrument.
INTR Interest Rate The annual interest rate or the current rate for a floating rate note.
INDF Indemnity on Fractions Rate Amount of indemnity or compensation paid by the issuer for remaining fractions.
LADT Local Tax (DE specific 1) Local tax (ZAS Anrechnungsbetrag) subject to interest down payment tax (proportion of interest liable for interest down payment tax/interim profit that is not covered by the tax exempt amount).
LIDT Local Tax (DE specific 2) Local tax (ZAS pflichtige Zinsen) interest liable for interest down payment tax (proportion of gross interest per unit/interim profits that is not covered by the credit in the interest pool).
LOTE Local Tax (DE specific 3) Local tax (Zinstopf) offset interest per unit against tax exempt amount (variation to offset interest per unit in relation to tax exempt amount).
LYDT Local Tax (DE specific 4) Local tax (Ertrag Besitzanteilig) yield liable for interest down payment tax.
NETT Net Dividend Rate Cash dividend amount per share after deductions or allowances have been made.
NEWO New to Old Quantity of new securities for a given quantity of underlying securities where the underlying securities will be exchanged or debited, eg, 2 for 1: 2 new shares credited for every 1 underlying share debited = 2 resulting shares.
NRES Non-Resident Rate Rate per share to which a non-resident is entitled.
NWRT New Securities to Underlying Shares to Rights Quantity of new equities shares that will be derived by the exercise of a given quantity of intermediate securities. rights.
OFFR Proposed Rate Rate proposed in a remarketing of variable rate notes.
OSUB Over-subscription Rate Rate of allowed over-subscription.
PDIV Provisional Dividend Rate The dividend is known as provisional.
PROR Pro-Ration Rate Proportionate allocation used for the offer.
PTSC Percentage Sought Percentage of securities the offeror/issuer will purchase or redeem under the terms of the event. This can be a number or the term 'any and all'.
RATE Applicable Rate Rate applicable to the event announced, eg, redemption rate for a redemption event.
PTSC Percentage of Total Share Capital Sought Percentage of the outstanding shares an offeror is looking to take over in voluntary actions such as tender offers. May also be used for other similar CA scenarios.
RDIS Reinvestment Discount Rate to Market Rate of discount for securities purchased through a reinvestment scheme as compared to the current market price of security.
SOFE Solicitation Fee Rate A cash rate made available in an offer in order to encourage participation in the offer.
TAXC Tax Credit Rate Cash amount per share allocated as the result of a tax credit.
TAXE Tax Related Rate Percentage of the gross dividend rate on which tax must be paid.
TAXR Withholding tax Rate Percentage of a cash distribution that will be withheld by a tax authority.
TXIN Tax on Income Taxation applied on an amount clearly identified as an Income.
TXPR Tax on Profits Taxation applied on an amount clearly identified as Capital Profits, Capital Gains.
TXRC Reclaim of Taxes Rate Percentage of cash that was paid in excess of actual tax obligation and was reclaimed.
WITF Withholding of Foreign Tax Rate at which the income will be withheld by the jurisdiction in which the income was originally paid, for which relief at source and/or reclaim may be possible.
WITL Withholding of Local Tax Rate at which the income will be withheld by the jurisdiction in which the account owner is located, for which relief at source and/or reclaim may be possible.
WITF Withholding of Foreign Tax Rate of foreign tax withheld by foreign tax authority with jurisdiction in the market where the issuer paid the income.
WITL Withholding of Local Tax Rate of local tax withheld by local tax authority with jurisdiction in the country where the custodial agent (global custodian) resides.


If format option is E or J and if Qualifier is NETT, Rate Type Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K92):

FLFR Fully franked.
UNFR Unfranked.
TXFR Tax free.
TXDF Tax deferred.
SOIC Sundry / Other income.
INTR Interest.
INCO Income Portion.
CAPO Capital Portion.
TXBL Taxable Portion.


If format option is E or J and if Qualifier is NETT or J and if Qualifier is GRSS, Rate Type Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K92):

FLFR Fully franked.
UNFR Unfranked.
TXFR Tax free.
TXDF Tax deferred.
SOIC Sundry / Other other income.
INTR Interest.
INCO Income Portion.
CAPO Capital Portion.
TXBL Taxable Portion.
LTCG Long Term Capital Gain.
STCG Short Term Capital Gain.


If Qualifier is TAXC and format option is E or J, Rate Type Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K92):

ACTX Advance corporation tax.
AVFI Avoir fiscal.
IMPU Imputed tax.
PREC Precompte.
TIER One-tier tax.


If Qualifier is TAXE and format option is J, Rate Type Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K92):

WITF Withholding of Foreign Tax.
WITL Witholding of Local Tax.
LIDT Local Tax (DE specific 2).


If format option is K, Rate Type Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K92):

OPEN Open-dated Rate has not been established.
UKWN Unknown Rate Rate is unknown by the Sender.


If Qualifier is GRSS and format option is K, or Qualifier is INTR and format option is K, then the Rate Type Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K92):

OPEN Open-dated Rate has not been established.
UKWN Unknown Rate Rate is unknown by the Sender.
NILP Nil Payment Rate will not be paid.


Rate Status must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K92):

ACTU Actual rate.
INDI Indicative rate.


The integer part of Quantity must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).

The integer part of Rate must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).

The integer part of Amount must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).

When Sign is present, Rate must not be zero (Error code(s): T14).

Currency Code, First and Second Currency Code must be valid ISO 4217 currency codes (Error code(s): T52).


ACTU is the default value for Rate Status.

Sign must be present when Rate is negative.

Except if notified differently in the rate definition, when used with format option A or E, the rate should be expressed as a percentage, not as a decimal fraction (12% should be identified by 12, and not 0,12).

Rate Type Code NILP (Nil Payment), available for use with rate qualifier GRSS (Gross Dividend Rate) and INTR (Interest Rate), can only be used with Corporate Action Event Types :22F::CAEV//DVCA (Cash Divident) and INTR (Interest Payment).

In field 92B::EXCH, the order of the two currencies is independent of the currencies in the amount and resulting amount fields. Therefore the exchange rate can be expressed as a reciprocal if required.

For the calculation of the rate itself, the First Currency Code will be the base currency and the Second Currency Code will be the quoted currency. (1,00 of First Currency Code = [Rate] of Second Currency Code).