MT 564 Field Specifications

73. Field 36B: Quantity of Financial Instrument


Option B :4!c//4!c/15d (Qualifier) (Quantity Type Code) (Quantity)




(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 O MINO N   B Minimum Nominal Quantity (Minimum Nominal Value)
2 O MIEX N   B Minimum Exercisable Quantity
3 O MILT N   B Minimum Exercisable Multiple Quantity
4 O SIZE N   B Contract Size
5 O ORGV N   B Original Face Amount


This qualified generic field specifies:

MIEX Minimum Exercisable Quantity Minimum total quantity or lot of rights/warrants that must be exercised.
MILT Minimum Exercisable Multiple Quantity Minimum multiple lot necessary to exercise warrants.
MINO Minimum Nominal Quantity (Minimum Nominal Value) Minimum nominal quantity or lot of securities that must be purchased.
SIZE Contract size Ratio or multiplying factor used to convert one contract into a financial instrument quantity.
SIZE Contract size This represents the ratio or multiply factor to convert from contracts to shares, e.g. 1 option contract could represent 10,000 shares of an equity.
ORGV Original Face Amount Original par or face amount of an amortised instrument.


For all qualifiers except ORGV, Quantity Type Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K36):

AMOR Amortised Value Quantity represents the current amortised face amount of a bond, eg, a periodic reduction of a bond's principal amount.
FAMT Face Amount Quantity expressed as the face amount of the principal of a debt instrument.
UNIT Unit Quantity expressed as a number, eg, a number of shares.


When Qualifier is ORGV Quantity Type Code must contain (Error code(s): K36):

FAMT Face Amount Quantity expressed as the face amount of the principal of a debt instrument.


The integer part of Quantity must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).