MT 564 Field Specifications

48. Field 22F: Indicator


Option F :4!c/[8c]/4!c (Qualifier) (Data Source Scheme) (Indicator)




(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 O DIVI N   F Dividend Type
2 O CONV N   F Conversion Type
3 O DITY N   F Distribution Type
4 O OFFE R   F Offer Type
5 O SELL N   F Renounceable Status of Entitlement
6 O TAKO N   F Take-over Type
7 O ADDB N   F Additional Business Process
8 O CHAN R C11 F Change Type
9 O RHDI N C12 F Intermediate Securities Distribution Type
10 O ECIO N   F Capital Gain In/Out Indicator
11 O TDTA N   F TID/TIS Calculated Indicator


This qualified generic field specifies:

DIVI Dividend Type The frequency or the conditions in which a dividend is being paid.
CONV Conversion Type The type of conversion of an instrument.
DITY Distribution Type Specifies whether the proceeds of the event will be distributed on a rolling basis rather than on a specific date.
OFFE Offer Type Specifies the conditions that apply to the offer.
SELL Renounceable Status of Entitlement Whether terms of the event allow the resale of the rights to another party.
TAKO Take-over Type Specifies the acceptance terms that specifies the take-over.
ADDB Additional Business Process Additional business process linked to a Corporate Action event such as claim, compensation or tax refund.
CHAN Change Type Type of change announced.
RHDI Intermediate Securities Distribution Type Intermediates securities distribution type.
ECIO Capital Gain In/Out Indicator Specifies whether the capital gain is in the scope of the EU Savings directive for the income realised upon the sale, refund or redemption of shares and units (...) (Article 6(1d)).
TDTA TID/TIS Calculated Indicator Specifies whether the fund calculates the taxable income per dividend/taxable income per share.
DIVI Dividend Type The frequency or the conditions in which a dividend is being paid.
CONV Conversion Type The type of conversion of an instrument.
DITY Distribution Type The type of distribution of a corporate action.
OFFE Offer Type The type of treatment of the securities submitted to the offer.
SELL Renounceable Status of Entitlement Whether terms of the event allow the resale of the rights to another party.
TAKO Take-over Type The type of take-over.
ADDB Additional Business Process Additional business process linked to a Corporate Action event such as claim, compensation or tax refund.


If Qualifier is DIVI and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

FINL Final The payment of a dividend, less the amount already paid through interim dividends.
INTE Interim Dividend declared and paid before annual earnings have been determined.
REGR Regular Dividend paid at regular interval, eg, quarterly.
SPEC Special Dividend in addition to the regular dividend being paid by the company.


If Qualifier is CONV and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

FINL Final This is a final conversion.
INTE Interim This is an interim conversion.


If Qualifier is DITY and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain the following code (Error code(s): K22):

ROLL Rolling The event is ongoing and will have a number of acceptance and payment dates until further announcement by the Issuer or its agent.


If Qualifier is OFFE and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

DISS Dissenter's Rights The securities' holder has the right to disagree with a mandatory event. This right is not inherent in all offers and therefore must be noted in announcements only when applicable.
ERUN Restriction Exchange Exchange of Restricted to Unrestricted (or vice versa).
FCFS First Come First Served The securities will be accepted in the order they have been submitted until the target number of quantity sought is reached.
FINL Final Offer Final or last offer to holders subject to offer conditions being reached, eg, 50% accepted on a tender.
FINL Final Offer Final or full offer.
MINI Mini-Tender Tender Offer, for an equity or fixed-income instrument, that is priced below the current trading price of that instrument.
PART Partial Offer Partial offer.
SQUE Squeeze Out Bid Offer launched by a company, in possession of a large number of the shares (90% - 95%) of a company (generally as a result of a tender offer), in order to acquire the remaining shares of that company.


If Qualifier is SELL and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

NREN Non Renounceable Intermediate securities cannot be sold.
RENO Renounceable Intermediate securities can be sold.


If Qualifier is TAKO and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

COND Conditional The acceptance of the terms of the take-over is conditional.
UNCO Unconditional The acceptance of the terms of the take-over bid is unconditional.


If Qualifier is ADDB and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

ACLA Automatic Market Claims The event will automatically give rise to market claims by the account servicer (typically, a CSD).
CLAI Claim or Compensation The posting relates to a claim on the associated corporate action event.
SCHM Scheme of Arrangement A component event of a scheme of arrangement: a reorganisation of a company or a group of companies, and their capital.
TAXR Tax Refund The posting relates to a tax refund from the authorities on the associated corporate action event.
CLAI Claim or Compensation The posting relates to a claim on the associated corporate action event.
TAXR Tax Refund The posting relates to a tax refund from the authorities on the associated corporate action event.


If Qualifier is CHAN and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

BERE Bearer to Registered Change from bearer into registered form.
CERT Certificates Change of all instruments into certificates.
DEPH Dematerialised to Physical Change from dematerialised into physical form.
GPPH Global Permanent to Physical Change from global permanent to physical form.
GTGP Global Temporary to Global Permanent Change from global temporary to global permanent form.
GTPH Global Temporary to Physical Change from global temporary to physical form.
NAME Name The issuing company changes its name. Event shows the change from old name to new name and may involve surrendering physical shares with the old name to the registrar.
PHDE Physical to Dematerialised Change from physical into dematerialised form.
REBE Registered to Bearer Change from registered into bearer form.
TERM Terms Change in the terms of the security.


If Qualifier is RHDI and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

BIDS Reverse Rights Distribution of reverser rights.
BONU Bonus Rights Distribution of bonus rights.
DRIP Dividend Reinvestment Securities Distribution of dividend reinvestment securities.
DVOP Dividend Option Distribution of dividend option.
EXRI Subscription Rights Distribution of subscription rights.
PRIO Open Offer Rights Distribution of open offer rights.


If Qualifier is ECIO and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

EUSI In Scope Capital gain is in the scope of the directive.
EUSO Not In Scope Capital gain is out of the scope of the directive.
UKWN Unknown Unknown whether capital gain is in or out of the scope of the directive.


If Qualifier is TDTA and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):

TDIY Calculated The fund is calculating the taxable income per dividend/taxable income per share.
TDIN Not Calculated The fund is NOT calculating the taxable income per dividend/taxable income per share.
UKWN Unknown Unknown whether the fund is calculating the taxable income per dividend/taxable income per share.