MT 564 Field Specifications

27. Field 93a: Balance


Option B :4!c/[8c]/4!c/[N]15d (Qualifier) (Data Source Scheme) (Quantity Type Code) (Sign) (Balance)
Option C :4!c//4!c/4!c/[N]15d (Qualifier) (Quantity Type Code) (Balance Type Code) (Sign) (Balance)


Conditional (C2)


(Error code(s): T89)

Order M/O Qualifier R/N CR Options Qualifier Description
1 O ELIG N   B Total Eligible for CA
2 O BLOK N   B, C Blocked
3 O BORR N   B, C Borrowed
4 O COLI N   B, C Collateral In
5 O COLO N   B, C Collateral Out
6 O LOAN N   B, C On Loan
7 O PEND R   B, C Pending Delivery
8 O PENR R   B, C Pending Receipt
9 O REGO N   B, C Out for Registration
10 O SETT N   B, C Settlement Position
11 O SPOS N   B, C Street Position
12 O TRAD N   B, C Trade Date Position
13 O TRAN N   B, C In Transshipment
14 O NOMI N   B, C Registered
15 O UNBA N C6 B, C Uninstructed Balance
16 O INBA N   B, C Instructed Balance


This qualified generic field specifies:

BLOK Blocked Balance of securities that are blocked.
BORR Borrowed Balance of securities that have been borrowed.
COLI Collateral In Balance of securities that belong to a third party and that are held for the purpose of collateralisation.
COLO Collateral Out Balance of securities that belong to the safekeeping account indicated within this message, and are deposited with a third party for the purpose of collateralisation.
ELIG Total Eligible for CA Total balance of securities eligible for this CA event; entitlement calculation based on this balance.
LOAN On Loan Balance of securities loaned to a third party.
NOMI Registered Balance of securities registered (in the name of a nominee or of the beneficial owner).
PEND Pending Delivery Balance of securities pending delivery.
PENR Pending Receipt Balance of securities pending receipt.
REGO Out for Registration Balance of securities currently being processed by the institution responsible for registering the new beneficial owner (or nominee) of securities after a transaction has settled.
SETT Settlement Position Balance of securities representing only settled transactions; pending transactions not included.
SPOS Street Position Balance of securities that remain registered in the name of the prior beneficial owner of securities.
TRAD Trade Date Position Balance of securities based on trade date, eg, includes all pending transactions in addition to the balance of settled transactions.
TRAN In Transshipment Balance of physical securities that are in transshipment, eg, in the process of being transferred from one depository or agent to another.
UNBA Uninstructed Balance Balance of uninstructed position.
INBA Instructed Balance Balance of instructed position.


If Data Source Scheme is not present, Quantity Type Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K93):

FAMT Face Amount Quantity expressed as the face amount of the principal of a debt instrument.
UNIT Unit Quantity expressed as a number, eg, a number of shares.
AMOR Amortised Quantity represents the current amortised face amount of a bond, eg, a periodic reduction of a bond's principal amount.


Balance Type Code must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K93):

ELIG Eligible Balance of securities eligible for this CA event.
NELG Not Eligible Balance of securities not eligible for this CA event.


The integer part of Balance must contain at least one digit. A decimal comma is mandatory and is included in the maximum length (Error code(s): T40, T43).

When Sign is present, Balance must not be zero (Error code(s): T14).


Sign must be present when Balance is negative.

Standing instructions are part of the instructed balance (INBA).