Option F | :4!c/[8c]/4!c | (Qualifier) (Data Source Scheme) (Indicator) |
(Error code(s): T89)
Order | M/O | Qualifier | R/N | CR | Options | Qualifier Description |
1 | O | LINK | N | F | Linkage Type Indicator |
This qualified generic field specifies:
LINK | Linkage Type Indicator | When the message is to be executed relative to the transaction referenced in the sequence. |
If Qualifier is LINK and Data Source Scheme is not present, Indicator must contain one of the following codes (Error code(s): K22):
If code WITH is used, it links together one or more instructions which become bound and which should be executed together. Even if one single instruction can not be executed, then all the other instructions should also be kept pending. Therefore the use of code WITH should be limited to combine up to 2 or 3 instructions.