The same details must not be repeated in both the Corporate Action Details sequence and the Corporate Action Options sequence. The Corporate Action Details sequence should convey details that are common to the corporate action event while details appearing in the Corporate Action Option sequence should be specific only to the specific option.
the account owner has a choice of multiple currencies, the Corporate Action Option sequence should be repeated once for each currency offereda corporate action event involves a disbursement of cash, the Currency field (field 11A) should be present. If
using the OPTN qualifier in field 11A.
The Financial Instrument Attribute (FIA) sequence is intended to provide additional information regarding the terms and conditions of a securities issue. The objective of the FIA sequence is to ensure unambiguous identification of the security by the Receiver. It is recommended that the FIA sequence not be used unless required by a specific corporate action event, pursuant to a bilateral agreement, or when a valid ISIN or security identifier is not available.
The MT 564 can be used to announce the basic details of a proxy voting event. For the complete agenda an MT 568 Corporate Action Narrative, using the same corporate action reference in the linkages sequence, should be used.